up E. Koutsoupias and D. S. Taylor. Indexing schemes for random points. In Proceedings of the 10th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pages 596--602, Baltimore, Maryland, 17--19 January 1999.


We investigate the tradeoff between storage redundancy and access overhead for indexing random d-dimensional point sets. We show that with high probability a range-query workload of n random points has polylogarithmic trade-off; more precisely, there is a constant c_{B,d} such that every indexing scheme with storage redundancy c_{B,d}\log^{d-1} n has the worst possible access overhead (equal to the block size B). We also show that this result is almost tight and that the trade-off even exhibits a threshold behavior: on a random set of points, expected storage redundancy O(\log^{d-1} n) achieves access overhead 2d-1.

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Elias Koutsoupias / elias_at_di.uoa.gr