Name Evaggelia-Aggeliki Karabassi
Dateof birth
Place of birth
Athens, Greece

Phone number

Departmentof Informatics, University of Athens
TYPA Buildings, Panepistimiopolis, Ilisia
15784, Athens, Greece

aggeliki AT 

Education 1997-2001  : PhD in Computer Graphics 
                       Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, 
                       University of Athens, Greece 
1992-1996 : 4 year B.Sc. in Computer Science 
                      (Signal Processing and Communications )
                      Department of Informatics, University of Athens, Greece 


-collision detection
-multidimensional pattern analysis
-volume graphics
-computer vision
-image processing
Memberships IEEE, Computer Society
Projects 1999-2000   "Virtual Environment for the Restoration of Archaeological
                     (University of Athens research grand #70/4/3241) 

1998-2000 :   PATRA (EPET II / PAVE) 

1998-1999 :   “Computer Aided Simulation and Graphical 
                      Representation of Accumulation Phenomena” 
                      (University of Athens research grand #70/4/3241) 

1998-1999 : PARROT (ESPRIT 24960) 

1998 :           3DHEARTVIEW(ESPRIT 24484) 

1997-1998 :  “Computer Aided Restoration of Archaeological 
                    Monuments using Computer Graphics” 
                    (University of Athens research grand #70/4/3241) 

Publications G. Papaioannou, E.A. Karabassi, T. Theoharis, Virtual Archaeologist: Assembling the Past, Computer Graphics and Applications, IEEE, 21(2), pp.53-59, 2001.. 

M. Hatzitheodorou, A. Karabassi, G. Papaioannou, A. Boehm, T. Theoharis, StereoMatching Using Optic Flow, Real Time Imaging, Academic Press, 6(4),pp. 251-266, 2000. 

E.A. Karabassi, G. Papaioannou, Th.Theoharis, Intersection Test for Collision Detection in Particle Systems ,Journal of Graphics Tools, ACM, 4(1), pp 25-37, 1999.

E.A. Karabassi, G. Papaioannou, Th. Theoharis, A Fast Depth Buffer BasedVoxelization Algorithm, Journal of Graphics Tools, ACM, 4(4), pp.5-10, 1999. 

T. Theoharis, G. Papaioannou, E. A. Karabassi, The Magic of the Z-Buffer:A Survey, to appear at the 9-th International Conference in CentralEurope on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG '2001).

G. Papaioannou, E.A. Karabassi, T. Theoharis, Segmentation and Surface
Characterization of Arbitrary 3D Meshes for Object Reconstruction and Recognition, Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition ‘2000, IEEE, pp. 734-737, 2000. 

G. Papaioannou, E.A. Karabassi, T.Theoharis, Automatic Reconstruction of Archaeological Finds - A Graphics Approach, Proc. of the 4th International     Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence (3IA' 2000), Limoges,
France, pp117-125, 2000. 

2 chapters in the book Computer graphics, Principles and Algorithms by Th. Theoharis, A. Boehm (inGreek), SYMMETRIA,1999

Experience 1997 - 2000 :  Lectures for Computer Graphics I and II courses
                       Department of Informatics, University of Athens.

1998 - now : OpenGL courses and
                      Department of Informatics and Telecommunications,
                      University of Athens.

1997-1998 : System administrator
                      Department of Informatics, University of Athens

Languages English( Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency )
French ( Diplome d' Etudes Superieures )