Free Text-to-Speech
Resources (mainly for Greek)
by Gerasimos Xydas
DEMOSTHeNES Speech Composer ( A Text-to-Speech software system that supports the Greek language. This is a part of my PhD research and my spiritual kid. I have offered everything to him: from my free time to my voice ( Now there are more people involved and it gradually grows up :) You can find here a free copy for non-profitable activities (probably out-of-date, but still...) of this Text-to-Speech software, plus other resources (dll, client application) that might be useful to you.
MBROLA Voice Databases for Greek ( You can find here several diphone databases for the MBROLA ( synthesizer that I have developed. Currently, there is one male voice available: mine! Sounds nasal, but that is the cost of MBROLA. One female and one more male databases are on the way. These databases are offered for free for non-profitable activities. If you want to make money, please, contact us.
A Greek Formant Synthesizer ( My under-graduate project (1998). You can download this synthesizer for free. It sounds like a robot, there are not all the coarticulation rules in there and it is not very efficient implemented. However, it is amazingly small (50KB).
Open source C code for the FLITE small-footprint speech synthesizer ( Auxiliary C code I have been writting for the open source FLITE (
Greek resources for the FLITE speech synthesis system ( FLITE ( speaks Greek. Some components are still shared with DEMOSTHeNES (C/C++), but in the near future it will run alone in pure C code.
Greek resources for the FESTIVAL speech synthesis system ( I do not spent around my free time, as you can see. Another speech synthesizer made speaking Greek. Here you can find resources for the Greek language for the FESTIVAL ( speech synthesis system.
Installing FESTIVAL using Cygwin in Windows ( Some very useful instructions for a successful installation and compilation of the free FESTIVAL speech synthesis system, based on my personal experience.
The evolution of my Greek Text-to-Speech based activities ( A small tour to 3 Greek TtS systems: formant based, diphone based and corpus based.
The DEMOSTHeNES Song ( DEMOSTHeNES would like to sing as well. In the mean time, here is an R&B attempt.