RETUNE - Whereas there has been considerable work in the DTN community on the design and analysis of different data forwarding

algorithms, much less attention has been paid to the associated security and cooperation issues (ref. Section B1.1.1).

In particular, there is limited work on the resilience of these schemes to node misbehaviors. Nodes might defer from

participating in the data forwarding process, in order to either not spend their (limited) resources for relaying data of no

interest to them (selfishness) or sabotage (certain) data transfers (maliciousness). Even less has been reported in literature

on countermeasures to such node misbehaviors, so that their impact be contained and a certain (minimum) performance level

be possible. The candidate Fellow argues that resilience should be a major design objective for protocols and mechanisms

designed for opportunistic networking besides the more standard performance-oriented objectives (throughput, delay,

resource consumption). Rather than a posteriori assessing the efficiency of schemes designed under the optimistic and

frequently false assumption of perfect node cooperation, he argues in favor of a priori accounting for the (highly likely) lack

of it when designing a scheme. As such, the resilience of opportunistic networking to node misbehavior should be addressed

in parallel with the other research work on these networks, should these schemes ever be widely deployed and avoid the

fate of the ad hoc networks. The research proposed in the context of this fellowship aims at addressing this need, promoting

resilience aspects to visible elements in the opportunistic networking research agenda, and producing knowledge and results

that will increase the attractiveness of and confidence in the deployment of opportunistic networking solutions.