Hi! My name is Marialena Kyriakidi and I currently work at Google Research, London, UK. I received my Ph.D at the
Department of Informatics & Telecommunications of University of Athens
under the supervision of Professor Yannis Ioannidis. I was also a member of MaDgIK (Management of Data, Information & Knowledge) Group.
I received my B.Sc. and my M.Sc. in Advanced Information Systems from the same department.
This is my personal web page. Feel free to navigate!
Currently my research interests lie in the areas of Recommender Systems, Machine Learning, Graph Databases & Conversational Systems.
mariloudi [dot] uoa [dot] gr
Department of Informatics & Telecommunications
University Of Athens(UOA)
Panepistimiopolis, Informatics Buildings
157-84 Ilisia, Athens
Hellas (Greece)
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