Ancient Greeks of all times recognozed Homer
as the poet of Iliad and Odyssey and this beleif has its supporters up
to our times.But the majority of the modern critics attribute Iliad to
the poet Homer and Odyssey to an unknown poet a few years younger than
Homer. The poet of Iliad with the Ionian name Homer is a historical person
which lived in the second half of the eighth century B.C..In ancient times
many Ionian cities claimed Homer's origin with Smyrne and the island of
Chios having the greatest chances.

After the fourth century B.C. many biographies
of Homer were written,from
which seven survived to our days.In these
biographies the lack of assured information was balanced by the use of
fantastic evidence.Ancient biographers report that Homer was blind. Since
the sixth century B.C. Homer's epics became a school book which means that
these were the text's from which young Greeks learned to read.Art was inspired
by episodes from Homer's epics since the seventh century B.C. Many personalities
from ancient Greece were influenced by Homer's heroic spirit and values.It
is said that Alexander the Great,who greatly admired Achilles, always had
the Iliad under his pillow.
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