European Association for Signal Processing

Eusipco - 98

IX European Signal Processing Conference
September 8 - 11, 1998 Island of Rhodes, Greece
University of Athens


The 1998 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO - 98) is the 9th biennial conference promoted and organized by EURASIP, the European Association for Signal Processing in cooperation with the Computer Technology Institute and the University of Athens. Its aim is to cover all aspects of signal processing theory and applications. Sessions will include tutorials in addition to presentations on new research results. An extensive technical exhibition will also be organized in parallel with an industrial vendors session. A special session with invited speakers related to European Union funded Research Programs will also be hosted.

Papers describing original work are invited in any of the areas listed below. Four page papers will be published in the Proceedings of EUSIPCO - 98. Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality. Special sessions are also envisaged; persons interested in organizing a special session shall contact the Special Sessions Chairman by June 30, 1997. Proposals for tutorials, including the topic and outline are invited by June 30, 1997.


EUSIPCO - 98, Dept. of Informatics, University of Athens, Panepistimioupolis, TYPA, Athens 15784, Greece.Tel.: +3017211119, FAX: +3017219561,


Submission of proposal: October 31, 1997.
Notification of acceptance: February 28, 1998.
Submission of camera - ready paper: April 30, 1998.


Three Best Paper Prizes, of $500 USA each, will be awarded to young authors (under 30) for each one of the areas: The young author's name should appear first in the paper.


1. Digital Signal Processing

1.1 Filter design and structures
1.2 Fast algorithms
1.3 Multirate filtering and filter banks
1.4 Signal reconstruction
1.5 Adaptive filters
1.6 Nonlinear Signals and Systems
1.7 Time-frequency analysis
1.8 Other (specify)

2. Statistical Signal and Array Processing

2.1 Spectral estimation
2.2 Higher order spectrum analysis
2.3 Array signal processing
2.4 Statistical signal analysis
2.5 Parameter estimation
2.6 Detection
2.7 Signal and system modeling
2.8 System identification
2.9 Cyclostationary signal analysis
2.10 Other (specify)

3. Speech processing

3.1 Speech production and perception
3.2 Speech analysis
3.3 Speech synthesis
3.4 Speech coding
3.5 Speech enhancement and noise reduction
3.6 Isolated word recognition
3.7 Word spotting
3.8 Continuous speech recognition
3.9 Other (specify)

4. Audio and Electroacoustics

4.1 Active noise control
4.2 Active noise reduction
4.3 Echo cancellation
4.4 Psychoacoustics
4.5 Aids for the handicapped
4.6 Broadband audio coding
4.7 Signal processing for music
4.8 Binaural systems
4.9 Room acoustics
4.10 Other (specify)

5. Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing

5.1 Image coding
5.2 Image motion / sequence / video
5.3 Computed imaging (SAR, CAT, MRI, ultrasound)
5.4 Geophysical and seismic processing
5.5 Image analysis and segmentation
5.6 Image filtering, restoration and enhancement
5.7 Image representation and modeling
5.8 Digital transforms
5.9 HDTV
5.10 Multidimensional systems
5.11 Machine vision
5.12 Other (specify)

6. Knowledge Engineering and Signal Processing

6.1 Pattern recognition
6.2 Expert systems
6.3 Neural networks
6.4 Fuzzy systems
6.5 Signal interpretation
6.6 Multisensor Data Fusion
6.7 Other (specify)

7. Implementations

7.1 Architectures and VLSI hardware
7.2 Programmable signal processors
7.3 Algorithms and applications mappings
7.4 Design methodology and CAD tools
7.5 Languages and real time software
7.6 Other (specify)

8. Applications

8.1 Radar
8.2 Sonar
8.3 Communications
8.4 Biomedical processing
8.5 Geophysical signal processing
8.6 Underwater signal processing
8.7 Sensing
8.8 Robotics
8.9 Astronomy
8.10 Other (specify)

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