WA S-1: Architecture II
- Chair: K. Pekmetzi, NTUA, Greece
Rapid Design of Discrete Transform
Jill K. Hunter and John V.
Low Power Implementation of Discrete
Wavelet Transform
K. Masselos, P. Merakos, T.
Stouraitis and C.E. Goutis
Efficient Implementation of the
Row -Column 8x8 IDCT on VLIW Architectures
Rizos Sakellariou, Christine
Eisenbeis and Peter Knijnenburg
Relaxed Look -Ahead Technique
for Pipelined Implemantation of Adaptive
Multiple -antenna CDMA Mobile Receivers
Ramin Baghaie, Stefan Werner
and Timo Laakso
A Scheme for the VLSI Implementation
of FIR Digital Filters with Reduced Latency
Christos Gr. Caraiscos and
Kiamal Z. Pekmestzi
Efficient Bit -Level Design of
an On -Board Digital TV Demultiplexer
S. Calvo, J. Sala, A. Pages
and G. Vazquez
A Distributed Adaptive Block Matching
Algorithm: DIS -ABMA
F. Vermaut, Y.Deville, B.Macq
and X. Marichal
Prediction of Decoding Time for
MPEG -4 Video
Marco Mattavelli and Sylvain
Real time image rotation using
B -spline interpolation on FPGA's board
C. Berthaud, E. Bourennane,
M. Paindavoine and C. Milan
Fully -Digital Highly -Modular
Architecture of a Hamming -like Neural Network
A. Pavlidis, A. Arapoyianni
and D. Loukas
WA S-2: Motion
- Chair: G. Tziritas, Univ. of Crete, Greece
A Fast Two Stage Translational
and Warping Motion Compensation Scheme
D.B. Bradshaw and N.G. Kingsbury
A fast full search block matching
algorithm using subblocks
Michael Brunig and Wolfgang
A New Technique for Motion Estimation
and Compensation of the Wavelet Detail Images
G. Van der Auwera, A. Munteanu,
G. Lafruit and J. Cornelis
New closed -form solutions to
image flow equations for ego -motion applications
considering variations of the focal distance
Jose M. Menendrez, Narciso
GarcŒa, Luis Salgado and Enrique Rendon
Motion segmentation and tracking
using a seeded region growing method
I. Grinias and G. Tziritas
Motion estimation based on affine
moment invariants
G. Tzanetakis, M. Traka and
G. Tziritas
A Pseudo 3D Motion Estimator for
Moving Object Estimation in Noisy Video Sequences
Christopher L. Topping and
Jonathon A. Chambers
An Object -Based Hierarchical
Motion compensation Technique Using the Greedy Method
Jun Seo Lee, Rin Chul Kim and
Sang Uk Lee
Video Object Manipulation based
on Mosaic Representation for post -production applications
H. Nicolas
Tracking Markers for Human Motion
Pascual J. Figueroa, Neucimar
J. Leite, Ricardo L. Barros and Rene Brenzikofer
WA SS-3: Acoustic Echo and Noise Control
- Organizer: E. Hansler
- Chair: E. Hansler, Tech. Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany
Acoustic Echo and noise Control
- A Long Lasting Challenge (Invited Lecture)
Pia Dreiseitel, Eberhard Hansler
and Henning Puder
Speech Quality Evaluation of Hands
-Free Telephones During Double Talk:
New Evaluation Methodologies
H.W. Gierlich, F. Kettler and
E. Diedrich
Combined systems for noise reduction
and echo cancellation
Christophe Beaugeant and Pascal
Combined Residual Echo and noise
Reduction: A Novel Psychoacoustically
Motivated Algorithm
Stefan Gustafsson and Peter
Speech Enhancement for Mobile
Telephony Based on Non -uniformly Spaced Frequency Resolution
Pia Dreiseitel and Henning
An Acoustic Echo Canceller with
Compensation of Nonlinearities
Alexander Stenger and Rudolf
On the use of new adaptive subband
structures in acoustic echo cancellation
Mariane R. Petraglia, Rogerio
G. Alves and Antonio Petraglia
Steady - State Solutions of the
Extended LMS Algorithm for Stereophonic Acoustic Echo
Cancellation with Leakage or Signal Conditioning
Tetsuya Hoya, Jonathon A. Chambers,
Neil Forsyth and Patrick A. Naylor
DSP Implementation and Performance
Evaluation of a Stereo Echo Canceler with Pre -Processing
Yann Joncour, Akihiko Sugiyama
and Akihiro Hirano
WA S-4a: Statistical Signal Processing
- Chair: T. Soderstrom, Uppsala Univ., Sweden
A General Maximum Likelihood Classifier
for Modulation Classification
C. Le Martret and D. Boiteau
Approximation of a -Stable Probability
Densities Using Finite Gaussian Mixtures
Ercan E. Kuruoglu, Christophe
Molina and William J. Fitzgerald
Wavelet Thresholding for a Wide
Class of noise Distributions
D. Leporini and J. -C. Pesquet
Information Criteria Based Edge
Frederic Jouzel, Christian
Olivier and Abdelaziz El Matouat
Estimating the Predictability
and the Linearity of a Process by Kernels
Andreas Poncet and George S.
WA S-4b: Parameter Estimation
- Chair: G. Moustakides, Univ. of Patras, Greece
Multi -user Channel Estimation
Exploiting Pulse Shaping Information
Erik Lindskog and Jonas Strandell
A Subspace Fitting -like Method
for Almost Low Rank Models
Mats Bengtsson
MAP Based Schemes for Detection
of Abrupt Changes for Fading Channels
Catharina Carlemalm and Fredrik
Separate Temporal and Spatial
Parametric Channel Estimation
Jonas Strandell and Erik Lindskog
Parameter estimation in partitioned
nonlinear stochastic models
Ola Markusson and Hakan Hjalmarsson
Source Localization in Shallow
Water in The Presence of Sensor Depth Uncertainty
Assi Jakoby, Jason Goldberg
and Hagit Messer
WA S-5a: Image Enhancement
- Chair: G. Sicuranza, Univ. of Trieste, Italy
Reconstructing Missing Regions
in Colour Images Using Multichannel Median Models
Steven Armstrong, Anil C. Kokaram
and Peter J.W. Rayner
Unsharp Masking -Based Approach
for Color Image Processing
Faouzi Alaya Cheikh, Lazhar
Khriji and Moncef Gabbouj
The role of Gamma correction in
colour image processing
Wilfried Kubinger, Markus Vincze
and Minu Ayromlou
Quality limits in color printing
with more than three primary colors
Werner Praefcke
Image Halftoning Using Optimized
Dot Diffusion
Murat Mese and P.P. Vaidyanathan
WA SS-5b: Image Quality Evaluation
- Organizer: P. Cosman
- Chair: P. Cosman, Univ. of California San Diego, U.S.A.
A Technique for Image Quality
Assessment based on a Human Visual System Model
Wilfried Osberger, Anthony
Maeder and Neil Bergmann
Subjective Measure of Edge degradation
for Vector Quantized Color Images
Christophe Charrier and Hocine
Towards a Visual Quality Metric
for Digital Video
Andrew B. Watson
Psychovisual measurement and Distortion
Metrics for Image Sequences
Edmund M. Yeh, Anil C. Kokaram
and Nick G. Kingsbury
Monitoring the Quality of MPEG
Coded Video
K.T. Tan and M. Ghanbari
A Human Vision System Model for
Objective Image Fidelity
and Target Detectability Measurements
Jeffrey Lubin
WA P-6: 3 - D Imaging
- Chair: N. Alvertos, Agricultural Univ. of Athens
Modeling 3D Textured Objects by
Fusion of multiple Views
Timothee Jost, Christian Schutz
and Heinz Hugli
Scene Analysis Using Fusion of
Range and Color Data
Philippe Pujas and Marie -Jose
Tracking Camera Calibration in
Multi -Camera Sequences through Automatic Feature
Detection and Matching
Federico Pedersini, Augusto
Sarti and Stefano Tubaro
Range Image Registration for Free
-Form Surfaces Using Curvature Information as Invariance
Markus Rieder, Nicolas Guil
and R. Dillmann
Visualisation of Videoconference
Image Sequences Using VRML 2.0
Ioannis Kompatsiaris and Michael
G. Strintzis
Object Segmentation in 3D Images
Based on Alpha -Trimmed Mean
Radial Basis Function Network
Adrian G. Bors and Ioannis
Classification of Archaeological
Fragments Using a Description Language
Robert Sablatnig, Christian
Menard and Walter Kropatsch
On the Application of Light field
Reconstruction for Statistical Object Recognition
B. Heigl, J. Denzler and H.
Virtual Environment Generation
by CAD -Based Methodology for Underwater Vehicle Navigation
Leila De Floriani, Vittorio
Murino, Goffredo G. Pieroni and Enrico Puppo
Combining Intensity and Stereo
Data to Improve Satellite Urban Scenes Modeling
N. Paparoditis and M. Cord
WA P-7a: Applications and Architectures
- Chair: J.A. Bangham, Univ. of East Anglia, U.K.
A new FPGA architecture for image
processing: CYCLOP
Philippe Guermeur
Multi - FPGA Processor for gray
-scale Morphology
Mohamed Akil and Shahram Zahirazami
Radon Transform for Internal Wave
Detection and Orientation
Josep A. Rodenas, Nicolas Mandelert
and Rene Garello
Application of Momentary fourier
Transform to the SPECAN SAR Processing
Sandor Albrecht and Ian Cumming
Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
Using Ground Slope Vector to Phase Unwrapping
Xavier Dupuis, Pierre Mathieu
and Michel Barlaud
WA P-7b: Speech Processing
- Chair: G. Kubin, TU Wien, Austria
Automatic pitch marking for speech
transformations via TD -PSOLA
Yves Laprie and Vincent Colotte
The method of pitch frequency
detection on the base of tuning to its harmonics
V. Sercov and A. Petrovsky
Acoustic Measure of Noise Energy
in Vocal Folds Operated Patients
C. Manfredi, M.D'Aniello and
P. Bruscaglioni
Analysis of Pitch -Synchronous
Modulation Effects by using Analytic Filters
Unto K. Laine
Perceptual Evidence for FO Variability
Constraints of Phrase -Initial Accents in Greek
Christos Malliopoulos and George
The Impact of relative average
duration of vowels in Greek on the perception
of a constant synthetic speech rate
Stavroula -Evita F. Fotinea,
Michael A. Vlahakis and George V. Carayannis
Text -to -Speech Synthesis in
Slovenian Language
Tomaz Sef, Ales Dobnikar and
Matjaz Gams
Comparison of Two Different Text
-to -speech Alignment systems: Speech Synthesis
based VS. Hybrid HMM/ANN
O. Deroo, F. Malfrere and T.
A Fuzzy Approach to Text -to -Speech
Enzo Mumolo and William Costanzo
A method to choose an appropriate
concatenating position
for automatically generated synthesis unites
Hun Jae Park, Sang Hun Kim,
Min Soo Han and Jae Ho Chung
A high performance vowel spotting
system based on a multi -stage architecture
J. Sirigos, N. Fakotakis and
G. Kokkinakis
On a Time -varying Complex Speech
Keiichi Funaki, Yoshikazu Miyanaga
and Koji Tochinai
Autocorrelation Analysis of Speech
Signals Using the Number Theoretic Transforms
over the Direct Sums of Finite Fields
Nikolai S. Rubanov and Eugene
I. Bovbel
Speech Analysis and Synthesis
Using Instantaneous Amplitudes
Gang Li and Lunji Qiu
Spectral Estimation of Voiced
Speech with Regressive Linear Prediction
Susanna Varho and Paavo Alku
The performance of a Novel Pre
-processor for the Learning Vector Quantisation Classifier
H. Kelleher and E. Chilton
Low Delay Phone Recognition
Jose A.R. Fonollosa, Eloi Battle
and Jose B. Marino
Design of a Command Interface
with a Dynamic Grammar Speech Recognition Engine
S. Kruger, S. Chennoukh, J.
Flanagan and L. Rothkrantz
ADPCM with Nonlinear Prediction
Marcos Faundez -Zanuy and Oscar
Oliva -Suarez
Non -Linear Processing in Cochlear
Space Sub -Bands using Artificial Neural Networks
for Multi -Microphone Adaptive Speech Enhancement
Amir Hussain and Douglas R.