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depth description of the Byzantinografos 2.0 toolbar...

BYZWRITER 2.0 is a new system for writing the Byzantine
Music Notation and has been created by Dr. Gezerlis G. Velissarios, University of
Athens, Departement of Informatics & Telecommunications, Greece. |

BYZWRITER 2.0 is a program that works on a
PC (IBM Compatible) and needs Operating System WINDOWS
Xp, Vista, 7 and the and the Microsoft
Word Editor 2000/Xp/2003/2007/2010 (Greek/English

With BYZWRITER 2.0 you will have a Toolbar of
25th buttons (see above) in your Microsoft Word environment, that help the
user to write all the Byzantine Music Symbols, at any size, using colours (3 colours) and he can very easy form his own psalms
and print them to his printer. (click here for a sample
musical text with BYZWRITER 2.0).

BYZWRITER 2.0 all Symbols of
the Byzantine Music Notation have been assigned on the keyboard keys with a
special way, giving a quick writing style to the user, who can learn to write
using the available tables from the BYZWRITER 2.0
User Mamual (in greek language). Moreover, in this new version more symbols from the
old parasemantiki have
been included (e.g. tromiko,
strepto, isaki, ligisma, tzakisma, piesma, paraklitiki, e.t.c.), as well as symbols necessary for writing
traditional folk songs (e.g. pentagorgo).

BYZWRITER 2.0 is a special program for Editors
of Byzantine Music Books, CD companies, Byzantine Choirs, Teachers of
Byzantne Music, People who love and want to learn Byzantine Music.

BYZWRITER 2.0 has been designed after extensive
experimentation on the writing style of Byzantine Music Notation and
a complete software having its own installation program and
is given FREE OF