Name Theoharis Theoharis
Position Professor, part-time

Phone number

Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Athens
TYPA Buildings, Panepistimiopolis, Ilisia
15784, Athens, Greece

+30-210 7275106
theotheo AT 

Education 1985-1988 : D.Phil.
                       Computer Graphics & Parallel Processing
                       Oxford Universiry, UK
1984-1985 : M.Sc. in Computation
                       Oxford Universiry, UK
1981-1984 : B.Sc. in Computer Science 
                       (1st Class Honours)
                       London University (Queen Mary College), UK


1993-now :     Assistant/Associate/Full Professor

                       Section of Theoretical Informatics 
                       Department of informatics
                       University of Athens

2002-2003 :   Visiting Professor,
                       Department of Computer Science,
                       University of Houston

1992-1993 :   Andersen Consulting, Athens

1991-1992 :   Research Associate
                        National Technical University of Athens

1987-1989 :   Research Fellow 
                       St Catharine's College,
                       Cambridge University

Research Areas


Key past and present research areas are listed below: 

Biometrics. In collaboration with the University of Houston (Computational Biomedicine Laboratory) we are working on ways that exploit multiple modalities to achieve high-accuracy biometric recognition. We have so far successfully addressed 3D facial and ear recognition. Our results achieve the top reported accuracy on the most challenging datasets provided by the Face Recognition Grand Challenge (University of Houston, University of Athens 2002-).

Shape based retrieval. Retrieval of 3D objects from large databases based on their shape characteristics which are encoded as shape descriptors. We have explored descriptors based on depth images (University of Houston, 2003), spherical harmonics (NRC Demokritos, University of Athens, 2005-) and the fusion of the above two. Our results achieve the top reported accuracy on the most challenging datasets.

Visualization. The potential of visualization techniques in medicine and other fields, is enormous. Work on the visualization of functional signals (e.g. MEG) within a model brain was initiated in conjunction with the department of Psychology, University of Houston and the department of Neurosurgery, University of Texas. Supported by Institute for Education Sciences, US Dept. of Education, and National Institute for Child Health and Human Development (Co-Funders), Grant Nr R305U010001 (University of Houston, 2002-2003).

Visual and physical Reconstruction of antiquities from broken parts. Automation of the process of archaeological reconstruction from fragments. This has involved a wide range of techniques from novel graphics algorithms for the representation and visualization of specific fragments to global search and optimisation techniques for matching fragments. This work has been partly funded by a sequence of University of Athens and GSRT grants. (University of Athens, 1996-).

Statistical processing and visualization of biological data. This work involves exploration of the large biological data bases with statistical and visualization methods with the aim of discovery. Support was obtained from Greek-EU research funds - Heraclitus programme. Part of this work was also supported by a  Fulbright Research Scholarship from August 2002 to July 2003 (NRC Demokritos, University of Athens, University of Houston 2000-2006).

Efficient computation of geometric properties of objects with applications in several visual computing fields. This includes novel algorithms for object intersections, bounding volumes, symmetry detection, volume estimation etc. Many of these algorithms take advantage of the impressive capabilities of modern graphics cards to speed up the computations. This work has been partly funded by a sequence of small University of Athens grants. (University of Athens, 1996-).


Publications & Honours
~100 scientific publications in international journals and conferences.

~30 invited lectures at US, UK and Greek universities.

IPC's, conference chairs and reviews for journals & conferences.

Teaching Experience
  • Computer Graphics I
  • Computer Graphics II 
  • Parallel Systems and Algorithms
          Department of Informatics, University of Athens
  • Visualization
  • Computer Graphics
          Department of Computer Science, University of Houston, TX
  • Computer Graphics, Visualization & Fractals 

          Department of Informatics, University of Athens

  • Informatics I
  • Data Structures

          Department of Mathematics, University of Athens

Lectures on Parallel Processing
National Technical University of Athens

Lectures on Parallel Processing and Computer Graphics
Oxford, Cambridge

Languages Greek & English (Fluent)

French (Good)

German (Elementary)