 
Ilkka Norros
VTT Information Technology
P.O. Box 1202
FIN-02044 VTT
Tel: +358-9-4565627
Fax: +358-9-4567013
Email: ilkka.norros@vtt.fi
Michal Pioro
Institute of Telecommunications
Warsaw University of Technology
Nowowiejska 15/19, 00-665 Warsaw, Poland
tel: +48 22 825 98 20
Fax: +48 22 660 75 64
Email: mpp@tele.pw.edu.pl
Ian F. Akyildiz
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332
Tel.: 404-894-5141
Fax.: 404-894-7883
Email: ian@ee.gatech.edu
Andreas Pitsillides
ept. of Computer Science,
University of Cyprus,
P.O. Box 537, 1678,
Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: +357 2 892235/ 892230
Fax: +357 2339062
Email: Andreas.Pitsillides@ucy.ac.cy
Tulin Atmaca
Institut National des Telecomunications
9, rue Charles Fourier 91011 Evry-France
Dept. Informatique
Phone: +33-1-60-76-47-96
Fax: +33-1-60-76-47-80
Email : Tulin.Atmaca@int-evry.fr
Khaled Fouad Elsayed
Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University
Gamma Street, Giza, Egypt 12613
Phone: +20-10-5252907
Fax: +202-572-3486 and +1-603-754-8827
E-mail: khaled@ieee.org
Stefano Giordano
University of Pisa
Dept. of Information Engineering: Electronics, Computers,
Via Diotisalvi 2
I-56126 PISA
Phone: +39 050 568539
Fax: +39 050 568522
E-mail: giordano@iet.unipi.it
Sebastia Galmes
Dept. de Matematiques i Informatica
Universitat de les Illes Balears
Cra. de Valldemossa, km. 7,5
07071 Palma (Illes Balears)
Phone: +34-971172989
Fax: +34-971173003
E-mail: dmisgo0@ps.uib.es
Marco Conti
Computer Network Department
Italian National Research Council
Via Santa Maria, 36
56126 Pisa
Phone: +39 (050) 593258
Fax: +39 (050) 904052
Email: Marco.Conti@cnuce.cnr.it
Gunter Haring
Institute of Applied Computer Science
and Information Systems
University of Vienna
Lenaugasse 2/8
A-1080 Vienna,
Tel: +43 4086366 - 12
Fax: +43 4080450
E-mail: gh@ani.univie.ac.at
Bjarne Helvik
Department of Telematics
Norvegian University of Science and Technology
O.S. Bragstads plass 2A
N-7034 Trondheim,
Tel: +47 73 59 50 00
Fax: +47 73 59 69 73
E-mail: Bjarne.E.Helvik@item.ntnu.no
Johan Karlsson
Department of Communication Systems
Lund University of Technology
PO Box 118
S-221 00 Lund
Tel: +46 46 222 49 14
Fax: +46 46 14 58 23
E-mail: johan@tts.lth.se
Peter Key
Microsoft Research Ltd
St. Goerge House
1 Guildhall Street
Cambridge CB2 3NH
United Kingdom
Tel: 01223 744 762
Fax: 01223 744 777
E-mail: peterkey@microsoft.com
Sandor Molnar
Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
H-1117, Magyar tudósok körútja 2, Budapest
Tel: +36 1 463 3889
Fax: +36 1 463 3107
E-Mail: molnar@tmit.bme.hu
Web: http://hsnlab.tmit.bme.hu/~molnar/
Nelson L. S. Fonseca
State Universitry of Campinas
Institute of Computing
P.O. Box 6176
13084-971 Campinas SP
Tel: +55+19+37885878
Fax: +55+19+37885847
E-mail: nfonseca@ic.unicamp.br
Kimon Kontovasilis
Telecommunications Laboratory
153 10 Ag. Paraskevi Attikis
PO Box 60228
Tel: +301-65 13 111, ext 144
Fax: +301-65 32 175
E-mail: kimon@cyclades.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr
Martin Reiser
Director, Institute for Media Communication
Schloss Birlinghoven
D-53754 Sankt Augustin
Tel: +49-2241-14-2913
Fax: +49-2241-14-2917
E-mail: reiser@gmd.de
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
ETH Zentrum
CH-8092 Zuerlich
E-mail: reiser@inf.ethz.ch
Hans van den Berg
KPN Research
Postbus 421
2260AK Leidschendam
Tel: +31 70 446 36 13
Fax: +31 70 446 34 77
E-mail: j.l.vandenberg@kpn.com
Boudewijn R. Haverkort
RWTH-Aachen, Informatik
LuFG Distributed Systems
D-52056 Aachen, Germany
Tel: +49 241 8021430
Fax: +49 241 8888221
Email: haverkort@informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Web: www-lvs.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/
Miklos Boda
Ericsson Radio Systems AB
Radio Systems and Technology (T/N)
Torshamnsgatan 35 Kista
S-164 80 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: 46 8 404 72 45
Fax +46 8 404 70 20
email Miklos.Boda@era-t.ericsson.se
Edmundo de Souza e Silva
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Nucleo de Computacao Eletronica
Cx.P. 2324
Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20001-970
Phone: (+55-21) 598-3157, 598-3160
Fax: (+55-21) 270-8554
email: edmundo@nce.ufrj.br
Kenneth C. Sevcik
Computer Systems Research Institute
University of Toronto
6 King's College Road
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4
Phone: (416) 978-6219
Fax: (4!6) 978-4765 <-- fax
email: kcs@cs.toronto.edu
Ilias Iliadis
IBM Research Division
Zurich Research Laboratory
Saumerstrasse 4
8803 Ruschlikon, Switzerland
Phone: + 41-1-7248646
Fax: + 41-1-7103608
email: ili@zurich.ibm.com
Kishor S. Trivedi
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
1112 Hudson Hall
Science Drive
Duke University
Box 90291
Durham, NC 27708-0291
Tel: (919)660-5269
Fax: (919)660-5293
email: kst@ee.duke.edu
Cem Ersoy
Computer Engineering Department
Bogazici University
80815 Bebek, Istanbul, Turkey
Tel: +90 (212) 263 1540 ext. 1861
Fax: +90 (212) 287 2461
email: ersoy@boun.edu.tr
Tony Ephremides
EE Department
University of Maryland
AVW II- 2333
College Park,
MD 20742
Phone: 301-405 3641
Fax: 301-314 9281
email: tony@eng.umd.edu
Raymond Marie
IRISA/Univ. de Rennes I
Campus de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes Cedex
Phone: +33 99 84 7295
Fax: +33 99 84 7171
email: marie@irisa.fr
Billy Stewart
Department of Computer Science
Box 8206
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8206
Phone: (919) 515-7824
Fax: (919) 515-7896
Email: billy@csc.ncsu.edu
Ioannis Stavrakakis
Department of Informatics
University of Athens
Panepistimiopolis, Illisia
157 84 Athens, Greece.
Phone: 30-210-7275343
Fax: 30-210-7275601
Email: istavrak@di.uoa.gr
Catherine Rosenberg
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
West-Lafayette, IN 47907-1285
Phone: 1-765-494-0034
Fax: 1-765-494-0880
Email: cath@ecn.purdue.edu
John Silvester
Dept. of EE-Systems, EEB 300
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2562
Phone: 213 740 4579
Fax: 213 740 9803
Email: silvester@vishnu.usc.edu
Andras Farago
Erik Jonsson School of Engineering
and Computer Science
The University of Texas at Dallas
P.O. Box 830688
Richardson, Texas 75083-0688
Phone: (972) 883-6885
Fax: (972) 883-2349
E-mail: farago@utdallas.edu
Tamas Henk
Department of Telecommunications and Telematics
Technical University of Budapest
XI. Stoczek u. 2
Hungary H-1111
Phone: +36 1 1810300 Ext.24-41
Fax: +36 1 1812302
Email: henk@bme-tel.ttt.bme.hu
Farouk Kamoun
Ecole Nationale des Sciences de l Informatique
Rue des Entrepreneurs
Charguia 2 2035 Tunis-Carthage
Phone: +216 1 706 454
Fax: +216 1 706 297
Email: f.kamoun@ensi.rnrt.tn
Jacques Labetoulle
(Institut des Applications Avancées de l'Internet
or Internet Advanced Applications Institute)
12 Avenue du Général Leclerc
13003 Marseille
Tel: +33 (0)4 91 10 85 80
Fax : +33 (0)4 91 10 85 61
Email: Jacques.labetoulle@iaai.fr
Pierre Boyer
2 Route de Tregastel
BP 40
22301 Lannion Cedex
Phone: +33 96 05 22 39
Fax: +33 96 48 25 31
Email: boyerp@lannion.cnet.fr
Don Towsley
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: (413) 545-0207
Fax: (413) 545-1249
Email: towsley@cs.umass.edu
Imrich Chlamtac
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
Email: chlamtac@ecs.umass.edu
Paul Kuehn
Institute of Communications Switching
University of Stuttgart
Seidenstrasse 36
7000 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 121 2480
Email: kuehn@ind.uni-stuttgart.d400.de
A. Leon-Garcia
Computer Science Department
University of Toronto
6 King's College Road
Ontario M5S 1A4
Email: alg@comm.toronto.edu
Jorma Virtamo
Helsinki University of Technology
Networking Laboratory
P.O.B. 3000
FIN-02015 HUT, Finland
Phone: +358 9 451 4783
Fax: +358 9 460 224
Email: jorma.virtamo@hut.fi
Phuoc Tran-Gia Chair, Distributed Systems
Institute of Computer Science
University of Wuerzburg
Am Hubland
D-97074 Wuerzburg, Germany
Phone: +49-931-8885509
Fax: +49-931-8884601
Email: trangia@informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de
Israel Cidon
Sun Microsystems Labs Inc.
2550 Garcia Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94043-1100
Phone: (415) 336-5119
Fax: (415) 691-0756
Email: israel.cidon@Eng.Sun.Com
Debasis Mitra
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Room 2C125
Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636
Phone: (908)-582-4745
Fax: (908)-582-3340
Email: mitra@research.att.com
Konosuke Kawashima
Dept. of Computer, Information & Communication Sciences
Tokyo Univ. of A&T
2-24-16 Naka-cho, Koganei-shi
Tokyo, 184-8588 JAPAN
E-mail: k-kawa@cc.tuat.ac.jp Phone/Fax: +81 42 388 7125
Serge Fdida
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
Laboratoire LIP6-CNRS
4, Place Jussieu
Paris Cedex 05
Phone: +33 1 44 27 30 58
Fax: +33 1 44 27 62 86
Email: Serge.Fdida@lip6.fr
Herwig Bruneel
Laboratory for Communications Engineering
University of Ghent
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41
B-9000 Gent
Phone: +32-9-2643414
Fax: +32-9-2644295
Email: Herwig.Bruneel@lci.rug.ac.be
Web: http://iris.elis.rug.ac.be/~bds/smacs
Nikolas M. Mitrou
National Technical University of Athens
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Heroon Polytechneiou 9
Zographou, 157-73
Phone: +30-1-7793988 (direct line)
+30-1-7757401 ext 128
Fax: +30-1-7757501
Email: mitrou@softlab.ntua.gr
Jean-Yves Le Boudec
Labo Reseaux de Comm
IN Ecublens
1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Phone: +41 21 693 6631
Fax: +41 21 693 6610
Email: leboudec@di.epfl.ch
Pieter S. Kritzinger
Department of Computer Science
University of Cape Town
Rondebosch 7700
South Africa
Phone: +27.21.650.2664
Fax.: +27.21.650.3918
Email: psk@cs.uct.ac.za
Jin-Fu Chang
Department of Eletrical Engineering
National Taiwan University
Taiwan 107
Phone: +886-2-3633174 x 240
Fax: +886-2-3638247
Email: jfchang@cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw
Jozef Lubacz
Institute of Telecommunications
Warsaw University of Technology
ul. Nowowiejska 15/19
00-665 Warszawa
Phone: (+48 22) 259820
Fax: (+48 22) 254950
Email: jl@tele.pw.edu.pl
Jim Roberts
38, rue du General-Leclerc
92131 Issy les Moulineaux
Phone: +33 1 45 29 57 01
Fax: +33 1 45 29 60 69
E-mail: james.roberts@issy.cnet.fr
Luigi Fratta
Politecnico di Milano
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32
20133 Milano
Phone: +39-2-2399-3578
Fax: +39-2-2399-3413
Email: fratta@ipmel2.elet.polimi.it
fratta@nwk.cl.nec.co.jp (until the end of June)
Domenico Ferrari
Universiti Catholica
Via Emilia Parmense, 84
I-29100 Piacenza,
Phone: +39-523-599306
Fax: +39-523-599303
Email: ferrari@ipmel2.elet.polimi.it
Raphael Rom
Department of Electrical Engineering
TechnionQIsrael Institute of Technology
Haifa, 32000
Phone: +972 (4) 294657
Fax: +972 (4) 323041
Email: rom@ee.technion.ac.il
Moshe Sidi
Electrical Engineering Department
Haifa, 32000
Phone: +972 (4) 294650
Fax: +972 (4) 323041
Email: moshe@ee.technion.ac.il
Dr. Otto Spaniol
Technical University Aachen
Computer Science Department
D - 52074 Aachen
Office Address:
Ahornstrasse 55
D - 52056 Aachen
Phone: +49-241-80 21400 / 21401
+49-241-57 45 90 (home)
Telex: 0832704 thac d
Fax: +49-241-8888 220
Email: spaniol@informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Yutaka Takahashi
Dept. of Systems Science
Graduate School of Informatics
Kyoto University
Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501
Phone: +81-75-753-5503
Fax: +81-75-761-2493
Email: yutaka@kuamp.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Hideaki Takagi
Institute of Socio-Economic Planning
University of Tsukuba
1-1-1 Tennoudai
Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305
Phone: +81-298-53-5003
Fax: +81-298-55-3849
Email: takagi@shako.sk.tsukuba.ac.jp
Mario Gerla
3732 BH
Computer Science Department
University of California at Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Phone: (310) 825-4367
Fax: (310) 825-2273
Email: gerla@cs.ucla.edu
Luis Felipe M. de Moraes
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
C. P. 68.511 -- Rio de Janeiro, RJ
21945-970 -- Brazil
Phone: +55-21-2562-7844
Fax: +55-21-2562-8612
Erol Gelenbe
Director School of EECS
University of Central Florida
Orlando, FL 32816
Phone: (407) 823-0345
Fax: (407) 823-5419
Email: erol@cs.ucf.edu
Satish K. Tripathi
Department of Computer Science
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Phone: (301) 405-2662
Fax: (301) 405-6707
Email: tripathi@cs.umd.edu
Jim Kurose
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
Phone: (413) 545-1585
Fax: (413) 545-1249
Email: kurose@cs.umass.edu
Ulf Korner
Department of Communication Systems
Lund Institute of Technology
Box 118
S-221 00 Lund
Phone: +46-46-109007
Fax: +46-46-145823
Email: ulfk@tts.lu.se
Guy Pujolle
Universite Versailles
45 Ave des Etats Unis
78035 Versailles
Phone: +33 1 30 97 20 60
Fax: +33 1 30 97 20 57
Email: Guy.Pujolle@prism.uvsq.fr
Olga Casals
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
c/Gran Capitan S/N
Modulo D6 (Campus Norte)
Barcelona 08071
Phone: + 34 3 401 69 85
Fax: + 34 3 401 70 55
Email: olga@ac.upc.es
Arne Nilsson
Box 7914
Raleigh, NC 27695-7914
Phone: (919) 515-5130
Fax: (919) 515-5523
Email: nilsson@eos.ncsu.edu
Jon W. Mark
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada N2L 3G1
Phone: (519) 888-4567, ext. 2532
Fax: (519) 746-3077
Email: jwmark@bbcr.waterloo.edu
Chris Blondia
University of Antwerpen (UIA)
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Universiteitsplein 1
B-2610 Antwerpen
Phone: + 32 3 8202404
Fax: + 32 3 8202421
Email: blondia@uia.ua.ac.be
Demetres Kouvatsos
Computer Systems Modelling Research Group
Phoenix Building
University of Bradford
Bradford, BD71SP
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Phone: +44-274-383941
Fax: +44-274-383920
Email: demetres@comp.brad.ac.uk
Ramon Puigjaner
Universitat de les Illes Balears
Departament de Ciencies Matematiques i Informatica
Carretera de Valldemossa Km. 7.6
07071 Palma
Phone: +34-71-173288 (direct line)
+34-71-173401 (secretary)
Fax: +34-71-173003
Email: dmirpt0@ps.uib.es
Yannis Viniotis
Box 7914
Raleigh, NC 27695-7914
Phone: (919) 515-5148
Fax: (919) 515-5523
Email: candice@eos.ncsu.edu
Raif Onvural
Allied Telesyn International Corp.
900 Perimeter Park
Morrisville, NC 27560
Phone: (919) 468 5300
Email: raif_onvural@alliedtelesyn.com
Web: http://www.alliedtelesyn.com
Harry Perros
Department of Computer Science
Box 8206
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8206
Phone: (919) 515-2041
Fax: (919) 515-7896
Email: hp@csc.ncsu.edu
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