Research Profile
2003 - today Phd Student & Research Associate, Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, Division of Telecommunications and Signal Processing, Univercity of Athens, Greece
2000 - 2005 Double Bass student, Music School Of Athens
2000 - 2003 M.Sc in Electronics & Telecommunications, Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, Univercity of Athens, Greece
1995 - 2000 B.Sc Degree in Physics, Department of Physicsm Univercity of Ioannina, Greece


Research Experience

2006 - today
Research Associate in "Health-e-Child" project.
Description : The Health-e-Child project aims at developing an integrated healthcare platform for European paediatrics, providing seamless integration of traditional and emerging sources of biomedical information. The long-term goal of the project is to provide uninhibited access to universal biomedical knowledge repositories for personalised and preventive healthcare, large-scale information-based biomedical research and training, and informed policy making.
2003 - 2006 Research Associate in "POLYMNIA" project.
Description : Development of content-based music retrieval tools with emplhasis on eastern-type music traditions.The proposed tools will work either in a stand-alone mode or in cooperation with a special-purpose Internet portal. This project is unded by the Greek Secretariat of Research and Technology, project duration 2003-2005.
2000 - 2002

M.Sc Thesis, "Music Retrieval with Query by Humming".
Description : Development of a "query-by-humming" system with emphasis on dynamic time warping techniques for the matching of the hummed tunes against raw polyphonic audio.

1999 - 2000

B.Sc Thesis, "Analog & Digital Surround Sound".
Description : Theoretical study of on the analog and digital technology of surround encoding and decoding and the design and implementation of an analog decoder of the ProLogic generation.