- Τρίτη
- Relational Algebra and
Relational Calculus Queries with Aggregate Functions --- Νίκος Ποθητός
- Τρίτη
- Towards a logical reconstruction of Relational Database Theory ---
Βασίλης Καραδήμας
- Situation
Calculus ---
Βασίλης Παπαταξιάρχης
- Τετάρτη
- Constraint Databases --- Γιάννης Αλαγιάννης
- Incomplete (indefinite)
information in relational databases
--- Ράνια Χατζή
- Πέμπτη
- Static analysis of datalog programs:
Three fundamental static properties
--- Μάνος Αθανασούλης
- Logic-based Information Integration --- Μαρία Βαγιανού
- Equivalence of conjunctive queries with inequalities --- Ελένη Ταστεμίρογλου
- Παρασκευή 21/07/06
- The Logic of the Semantic Web --- Ματούλα Μαγγιρίδου
- P2:Declarative Networking
--- Ζωή Καούδη
- P2:Declarative Networking --- Ίρις Μηλιαράκη