- Ενότητα 1
General description of the module.
- Ενότητα 2
A formal introduction to the relational model,
rule-based conjunctive queries.
- Ενότητα 3
Conjunctive calculus, algebras SPC and SPJR.
- Ενότητα 4
Negation in algebra and calculus.
- Ενότητα 5
Tableau query containment, equivalence and minimization.
- Ενότητα 6
Datalog, fixpoint and model theoretic semantics.
- Ενότητα 7
Naive and semi-naive evaluation of datalog queries.
- Ενότητα 8
Recursion and negation (fixpoint and while queries)..
- Ενότητα 9
Negation in datalog (stratified and well-founded semantics).