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A Long StoryThe story of the homeric epics is about the adventures of the Greek Mythology's Heroes at the war of Troy. The Trojan war was held about 1200-1100B.C. Many people believed that the city of Troy is one of the greek myths, but the discovery of Troy by Eric Sleeman proved that Troy was real. |
The Acropolis of
Troy during the Greek's
siege.We can clearly see the walls and the structrure of the city.
The myth of Hiliad is very complicated:
Jupiter notes that the human population is very high and he decides to
space out the humans. He obligates the godeness Niriis to marry a mortal
named Pileas. At the marriage were present all the gods except Heris. Then,
Heris in order to pay back Jupiter, leaves a golden apple with the label
"To the most beautiful goddess". Athena, Hera and Venus dispute about the
apple. They ask from Paris, the son of Priamus, king of Troy, to give the
apple to the most beautiful goddess. He gives the apple to Venus and she
promises him to marry the most beautiful wife at world, Helen of Menelaus.
The Greeks, after the kidnapping of Helen decide to support Menelaus into his campaign against Troy. Agamemnon,king of Mycinae is the leader of the campaign. They concetrate at Avlis and they head against Troy. By accident, Greeks land at a city southern of Troy, Tefthraniada and they destroy it. After recognising their mistake, they land at Troy. The first Greek who land at Troy,Protesilaus, is killed by Hector, the leader of Trojan army and son of Priamus. Despite this casualty, the Greeks build their camp at the Trojan coast. They fight for ten years in order to capture Troy. The story of the 10th year of war is narrated at Hiliad by Homer. Achilles, the most brave leader of Greeks is offended by the act of Agamemnon to kidnap one of his young woman slave. Then he decides to withdraw his forces, Mirmidones, an action who impoverish the Greek army. After minor Trojan wins, Achile's best friend, Patroclus, ask from his friend to allow him to reenter the battle with Mirmidones. Achiles aggres and he gives to Patroclus his personal armor, made by Hephestus, god of Metalurgy. So, Patroclus, enters to the battle and the Trojan, thought that Achilles returned to the war hide beyond Trojan Wall. Hector decides to fight with Patroclus. He thinks like his co-fighters that Patroclus is Achilles. During the battle Hector breaks Patroclus helmet and he realises that Patroclus is the leader of Mirmidones. Then he kills Patroclus and he takes his armor, an insulting act to the dead When, Achilles hears the death of Patroclus, he is very sorry and he decides to take revenge. He asks from his mother, Thetis, to ask from Hephestus to make a new armor and he byries the hachet with Agamemnon. Next day, he enters the battle and he kills many Troys and he chases Hector. He kills him and he ties the dead body behind his chariot. The Hiliad ends with the Patrocus' funeral and the visit of Priamus to Achiles in order to beg Hector's body. The myth ends with the dead of Achiles by Paris and the implematation by the Greeks of the Trojan horse, which helps the Greek to capture Troy. Torjan horse was a giant wodden horse which was dedicated to Athena. Meanwhile, the Greek army withdrawn from Troy. Inside the horse were hidding Greek soldiers. When Troys put the horse into the city, Greek soldier open the Trojan gates and the Greek army who had returned entered to the city. The Other homerical hepic, Odyssey,
describes the adventures of Odyssey, king of Ithakae in order to return
to his home. His trip lasted 10 years. The only Odyssey's weapon was his
mind;he was also considered the Trojan Horse.