The Second International workshop on Autonomic
Communication (WAC 2005) will have as its main theme Autonomic
Communication Principles. The objective is to explore synergies
between related research initiatives and recent achievements within
many disciplines in order to enable the design creativity that
will fuel the next round of the Internet evolution.
The insights and inspirations are also to be found, analysed and understood in the Internet itself, in its on-going
upgrade to the global communication infrastructure supporting true
mobility via wireless access, flexible personalisation of services,
high resilience and security of the infrastructure, as well as support
for GRIDs in various application fields and interworking with
non-conventional (e.g. ad hoc, peer to peer and sensor) networks.
A common understanding that emerged recently in both the
Industry and the Academia is that the research frontier these days is in
re-designing of the Internet control plane aiming at reducing the
management overhead and eliminating the need for manual configurations
The workshop is organised by the Autonomic Communication Coordination Action (ACCA)
of the IST FP6 FET program
and is technically co-sponsored by IFIP Technical
Committee 6 (Communication Systems), WG 6.6 "Management
of Networks and Distributed System" and WG 6.3 "Performance of Communication
WAC2005 Post-worshop Proceedings will be published by Springer LNCS series.Publication reference: "Autonomic Communication", ed: Ioannis Stavrakakis(National & Kapodistrian University of Athens), Michael Smirnov(Fraunhofer-FOKUS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS, Vol. 3854, Springer-Verlag.