- "Real-world Identities to Privacy-preserving and Attribute-based CREDentials for Device-centric Access Control", (ReCRED)
- Security and Privacy in E-Government Services (SPAGOS)
- Engaging Users in Preventing and Fighting Cyber Crime (UINFC2)
- Secured and Revoked Biometric Identities for use in Pervasive Intelligent Environments,(BIO-IDENTITY)
- Advanced system for dynamic information and guidance services to public transport passengers (Where's my bus?)
- A P2P platform supporting virtual communities to assist independent living of senior citizens , (PEER-ASSIST)
- Autonomic Network Architecture, (ANA)
- Excellence in Contend Distribution Network Research, (CONTENT)
- Component-ware for Autonomic Situation-aware Communications, and Dynamically Adaptable Services, (IP CASCADAS)
- Adaptable mobile video transmission for surveillance and security services (SECURENET)
- Sensor Networks: Algorithm Design, Protocol Design and Performance Study (PENED)
- >Design and Implementation of a Wireless LAN Authentication Mechanism (DIWAM)