Elias Koutsoupias
Professor of Computer Science
University of Athens
Panepistimiopolis, Ilissia
Athens 15784

phone: +30 210 7275122
fax: +30 210 7275114


The fall semester of the academic year 2011-12, I teach the following courses

Math 4 CS
A course on advanced discrete math for undergraduate students.
A course for graduate and advanced undergraduate students which covers the fundamentals of algorithmic design and analysis.
Algoritmic Game Theory
A course for graduate students which covers the recent developments in computational issues of games, the price of anarchy, and mechanisms.

I also plan a project to involve undergraduate students in research.

Research for undergrads
The idea is to create a small group of a few committed undergrads and attempt to solve an open problem. The students will be exposed to the process of conducting research and learning how to pursue an academic/research career. Last year, the response from the students was extremely positive and I enjoyed the process, so I plan to repeat it in the coming academic year.

Past years

The fall semester of the academic year 2010-11, I taught the following courses

Math 4 CS
A course for undergraduate students.
A course for graduate and advanced undergraduate students which covers the fundamentals of algorithmic design and analysis.

I also experimented on doing research with undergraduate students.

Research for undergrads
The idea was to create a small group of a few committed undergrads and attempt to solve an open problem. The students were exposed to the process of conducting research and learn how to pursue an academic/research career. The response from the students was extremely positive and I enjoyed the process, so I plan to repeat it the coming academic year.

The fall semester of the academic year 2009-10, I taught the courses

Math 4 CS
A course undergraduate students.
A course for graduate and advanced undergraduate students which covers the fundamentals of algorithmic design and analysis.
Online Algorithms
A course for graduate students which addresses the most central issues of online algorithms.

The fall semester of the academic year 2008-9, I taught the courses

A course for graduate and advanced undergraduate students which covers the fundamentals of algorithmic design and analysis.
Algorithmic game theory
A course for graduate students which addresses the most central issues of algorithmic game theory such as computational complexity issues, price of anarchy, and mechanisms.

The spring semester of the academic year 2008-9, I teach the course

Algorithms and Complexity
A course for undergraduate students which covers the fundamentals of algorithmic design and analysis.

The home pages of courses of past years can be accessed here.