Διδακτορική Διατριβή
C. Halatsis, “Hardware Considerations of Executive and Information Retrieval Systems”, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Manchester, Aug. 1971Δημοσιεύσεις σε Eπιστημονικά Περιοδικά
- G. Philokyprou and C. Halatsis, “Floating-Point and Multi-Bit Increment Digital Differential Analyser Structures”, Electronics Letters, Oct. 1972, p. 531 – 532, http://digital-library.theiet.org/content/journals/10
- C. Halatsis, G. Philokyprou and D. Maritsas, “Analysis of Block-Organized Buffers for Poisson Input an Periodic Block Output”, Int. J. of Systems Science, vol 5, no 1, 1974, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207727408920074
- G. Philokyprou and C. Halatsis, “Electronic Buffer Memories”, Int. J. of Electrical Engineering Education, vol 12, pp 25 - 36, 1975, http://ije.sagepub.com/content/12/1/25.full.pdf+html
- C. Halatsis, G. Philokyprou and D. Maritsas, “Designing block-structured bubble-up buffers”, Electronic Engineering, April 1976,pp 45-48.
- G. Philokyprou, C. Halatsis and N. Gaitanis, “On the Problem of Finding d. t, r, and j Type Partition Pairs of a Sequential Machine”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, March 1977.
- C. Halatsis and G. Philokyprou, “Pseudo chaining in Hash Tables”, Communications of the ACM 21(7), 554-557, July 1978.
- C. Halatsis and A. Sokos, “Microprocessor-controlled Elevators”, Electronic Engineering, Oct. 1978.
- C. Halatsis and N. Gaitanis, “Irredundant Normal Forms and Minimal Dependence Sets of a Boolean Function”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Nov. 1978.
- C. Halatsis and N. Gaitanis, “On the minimization of the Control Store in Microprogrammed Computers”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Dec. 1978.
- C. Halatsis, M. Sigala and G. Philokyprou, “Polylinear Decomposition of Synchronous Sequential Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Dec. 1978.
- N. Gaitanis and C. Halatsis, “A new Double-Rank Realization of Sequential Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Dec. 1978.
- C. Halatsis, M. Sigala and C. Cambakis, “A simple computer-assisted text composition system”, Angewandte Informatik, Dec. 1978.
- C. Halatsis and N. Gaitanis, “Positive Fail - Safe Realization of Synchronous Sequential Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Febr. 1979.
- N. Gaitanis, C. Halatsis, M. Sigala, “Fail Safe Counters”, Journal of Digital Processes, no 5, 1979.
- A.C. Arvillias, D.G. Maritsas and C. Halatsis, “Microcomputer Implemented Random and Key Stream Generating Mechanisms”, Euromicro Journal, 1980.
- N. Gaitanis and C. Halatsis, “Negative Fail-Safe Sequential Circuits”, Electronics Letters, vol 16, no 16, July 1980.
- A. vanDam, M. Barbacci, C. Halatsis, J. Joosten and M. Letheren, “Simulation of a Horizontal Bit-Slice Processor using the ISPS Architecture Simulation Facility”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, July 1981.
- C. Halatsis, N. Gaitanis and M. Sigala, “Error-Correcting Codes in Binary-Coded Radix-r Arithmetic”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, March 1983.
- N. Gaitanis and C. Halatsis, “ A New Design Method for m-out-of-n Totally Self-Checking Checkers”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, March 1983.
- N. Gaitanis and C. Halatsis, “Near-Perfect Codes for Binary Coded Radix-r Arithmetic Units”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, May 1983.
- C. Halatsis, N. Gaitanis and M. Sigala, “Fast and Efficient TSC-Checkers for m-out-of (2m ± 1) codes”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, May 1983.
- A. Hatzopoulos and C. Halatsis, “Microprocessor-based FIR Spectrophotometer”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 55(9), Sept. 1984.
- C. Efstathiou and C. Halatsis, “Efficient Modular Design of m-out-of-2m TSC Checkers, for m=2k-1, k>2”, Electronics Letters, vol 21, no 23, 1985.
- A. Pombortsis and C. Halatsis, “ Performance Analysis of Interconnection Networks of a Modified Model for Synchronous Multiprocessors”, Electronics Letters, vol 22, no 4, 1986.
- A. Pombortsis and C. Halatsis, “Analysis of a Modified Model for Synchronous Multiprocessor Systems”, The Journal of Systems and Software, no 6, pp 361-365, 1986.
- A.M. Paschalis, C. Halatsis and G. Philokyprou, “Concurrently Totally Self-Checking Microprogram Control with Duplication of the Microprogram Sequencer”, Euromicro Journal, Microprocessing and Microprogramming, no 20, pp 271-281, 1987.
- J. Vlachavas and C. Halatsis, “L-Machine: a low cost personal sequential inference machine”, The Journal of Systems and Software, 1988.
- A.M. Paschalis, D. Nikolos and C. Halatsis, “Efficient Modular Design of TSC Checkers for m-out-of-2m codes”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, March 1988.
- A. Pombortsis and C. Halatsis, “Performance of crossbar interconnection networks in the presence of hot spots”, IEE Electronics Letters, vol 24, No 3, Febr. 1989.
- A. Pombortsis and C. Halatsis, “Behavior of circuit-switched Multistage Networks in presence of memory hot spots”, IEE Electronics Letters, vol 25, No 13, June 1989.
- A.M. Paschalis, C. Eftasthiou and C. Halatsis, “An Efficient TSC 1/3 Code Checker”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, March 1990.
- P. Stamatopoulos, I. Karali, C. Halatsis, “A Tour Advisory System Using a Logic Programming Approach”, Applied Computing Review (ACR), Special Issue on Logic Programming Applications, Sept. 1993.
- A. Pombortsis and C. Halatsis, “Performance of Circuit-Switched Interconnection Networks Under Non uniform Traffic Patterns”, The Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 20, No 2, Feb. 1993.
- A. Tsalgatidou, D. Gouskos, C. Halatsis, “Towards the Development of Effective and Flexible Information Systems”, Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 1, No 2, 1995.
- A. Tsalgatidou, C. Halatsis, M. Spiliopouloy, M. Hatzopoulos, “A Multimedia Title Development Environment (MTDE)”, Int. Journal of Information Processing & Management, Vol 31, No 1, 1995 (Pergamon Press).
- Y. Tsiarouhas, A. Paschalids, D. Nikolos, and C. Halatsis, “Robust Test Generation for Transistor Stuck-Open Faults in CMOS Complex Gates”, Int. J. of Electronics, Vol. 79, No 2, pp 129-142, 1995.
- E. Karkaletsis, C. Spyropoulos, G. Vouros, C. Halatsis, “Organization and Exploitation of Terminological Knowledge in Software Localization”, TermNet News (TNN), the Journal of International Cooperation in Terminology, No 48, March 1995.
- Y. Tsiatouhas, T. Haniotakis, C. Halatsis, A. Arapoyianni, “Design of stuck-open fault testable CMOS complex gates”, Electronics Letters, Vol. 32, No 4, pp 315-317, 1996.
- D. Gizopoulos, D. Nikolos, A. Paschalis, C. Halatsis, “C-Testable Modified Booth Multipliers”, J of Electronic Testing: Theory & Applications (JETTA) Vol. 8, No 3, pp 241-260, June 1996.
- D. Gizopoulos, A. Paschalis, D. Nikolos, C. Halatsis, “Linear-Testable and C-testable Nx x Ny
Modified Booth Multipliers”, IEE Proc. - Computers & Digital Technique, Vol. 143, No 1, pp 44-48, Jan 1996.
- I. Voyiatzis, A. Paschalis, D. Nikolos, C. Halatsis, “An Efficient Built-in Self Test Method for Robust Path Delay Testing”, J of Electronic Testing-Theory & Applications pp 219-222, June 1996.
- Y. Tsiatouhas, Th. Haniotakis, D. Nikolos, A. Paschalis and C. Halatsis, “Hierarchical Robust Test Generation for CMOS Circuit Stuck-Open Faults”, International J. of Electronics, Vol. 82, No 1, pp 45-60, 1997.
- Th. Haniotakis, A. Paschalis, C. Halatsis, G. Philokyprou, “Testable designs of One-Count Generators”, International J. of Electronics, vol. 85, No. 5 , pp. 629-650, 1998.
- D. Gizopoulos, A Paschalis, D. Nikolos, and C. Halatsis, “On robust Two-pattern testing of One-dimensional CMOS Iterative Logic Arrays”, Int. Journal of Electronics, vol. 86, no 8, pp 967-978, August 1999.
- I. Vlahavas, P. Kefalas, C. Halatsis, “OASys: An AND/OR parallel logic programming system”, Parallel Computing 25, pp.321-336, 1999.
- I. Voyiatzis, A Paschalis, D. Nikolos, and C. Halatsis, “Accumulator-Based BIST Approach for Two-Pattern Testing”, Journal of Electronic Testing, Theory and Applications, vol. 15, no 3, pp 267- 278, December 1999.
- I. Voyiatzis, N. Kratinis, D. Gizopoulos, A Paschalis and C. Halatsis, Accumulator-based Built-In Self-Test Generator for Robustly Detectable Sequential Fault Testing”, IEE Proceedings Computers & Digital Techniques, Nov. 2004.
- I. Voyiatzis, A Paschalis, D. Gizopoulos, N. Kratinis and C. Halatsis, “A Concurrent Built-In Self-Test Architecture Based on a Self-Testing RAM”, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, March 2005.
- I. Voyiatzis and C. Halatsis, “A low-cost Concurrent BIST scheme for increased Dependability”, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, April-June 2005.
- C. Vassilakis, G. Lepouras, C. Halatsis and T. P. Lobo, “An XML model for electronic services”, Electronic Government, Vol. 2, No.1 pp. 41 – 55, 2005
- George Lepouras, Costas Vassilakis, Constantin Halatsis and Panagiotis Georgiadis, “Domain Expert User Development: The SmartGov Approach”, Comm. of ACM, 2005
- I. Voyiatzis, Th. Haniotakis, C. Halatsis, “Algorithm for the Generation of SIC Pairs and its Implementation in a BIST environment”, IEE Proc. Circuits, Devices & Systems, vol. 153, Issue 5, October 2006, pp. 427-432.
- Stergos D. Afantenos, Vangelis Karkaletsis, Panagiotis Stamatopoulos and Constantin Halatsis, “Using synchronic and diachronic relations for summarizing multiple documents describing evolving events”, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, March 14, 2007
- C. Vassilakis, G. Lepouras and C. Halatsis, “A knowledge-based approach for developing multi-channel e-government services”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 6 (2007) 113–124
- V. Katifori, C. Halatsis, G. Lepouras, C. Vassilakis, E. Giannopoulou, “Ontology Visualization Methods – A survey”, ACM Computing Surveys, October 2007
- I. Voyiatzis, A. Paschalis, D. Gizopoulos, C. Halatsis, E. Makri, M. Hatzimihail, “An Input Vector Monitoring Concurrent BIST Architecture Based on a Pre-computed Test Set”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 57, Issue 8, Aug. 2008, pp.1012 - 1022.
- G. Louloudis, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis & C. Halatsis, “Text line detection in handwritten documents”, Pattern Recognition Journal, Volume 41, Issue 12 (December 2008), pp. 3758-3772.
- G. Louloudis, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis & C. Halatsis, “Text line and word segmentation of handwritten documents”, Pattern Recognition, vol. 42 (issue 12), pp.3169-3183, 2009
- Petrilis D, Halatsis C. (2008), “Two-level clustering of web sites using self-organizing maps”, Neural Process Lett 27(1):85-95
- Elena Torou, Akrivi Katifori, Costas Vassilakis, George Lepouras, Constantin Halatsis, Historical research in archives: user methodology and supporting tools,
Int. J. on Digital Libraries Vol. 11 No. 1 Pg. 25-36, 2010. - Leontidis, M., Halatsis, C., Grigoriadou, M. (2011). “Using an Affective Multimedia Learning Framework for Distance Learning to Motivate the Learner Effectively”,International Journal of Learning Technology, Vol 6(3), 223-250.
- Masvoula M., Halatsis C., and Martakos D. (2011): Predictive automated negotiators employing risk-seeking and risk-averse strategies, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Volume 363/2011, 325-334.
Δημοσιεύσεις σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίων
- D. Maritsas, G. Philokyprou and C. Halatsis, “On-line Scanning- System Design Considerations”, Proceedings Int. Symposium INFORMATICA 75, Bled, Yugoslavia, Oct. 1975.
- G. Philokyprou, C. Halatsis, M. Sigala and N. Gaitanis, “Synthesis and Applications of Boolean Memories”, Proceedings Int. Symposium INFORMATICA 75, Bled, Yugoslavia, Oct. 1975.
- G. Philokyprou, N. Gaitanis and C. Halatsis, “Generalized Setting Equations for the Memory Elements of Sequential Machines -Self-Independence Criteria”, Proceedings Int. Symposium INFORMATICA 76, Bled, Yugoslavia, Oct. 1976.
- C. Halatsis and M. Sigala, “Counting Properties of the Switch-Tail Shift-registers”, Proceedings Int. Symposium INFORMATICA 78, Bled, Yugoslavia, Oct. 1978.
- N. Gaitanis, C. Halatsis and G. Philokyprou, “Optimal Conversion of a Separating System of a Finite Set to a Completely Separating System”, Proceedings Int. Symposium INFORMATICA 78, Bled, Yugoslavia, Oct. 1978
- C. Halatsis, A. vanDam, J. Joosten and M. Letheren, “Architectural Considerations for a Microprogrammable Emulating Engine using Bit - Slices”, Proccedings 7th Int. Symposium of Computer Architecture, La Baule, France, May 1980, also as CERN report DD/79/7.
- by J. Anthonioz-Blanc, C. Halatsis, J. Joosten, M.F. Letheren, A. vanDam, A. vanPraag and C. Verkerk, “MICE, a Fast User Microprogrammable Emulator of the PDP-11”, presented at the Posters session of the Int. Conf. on Experimentation for LEP, Uppsala, June 1980.
- C. Halatsis, invited paper, “Three-level Totally Self-Checking Checkers for m-out-of-(2m± 1) codes”, Proceedings IEEE Int. Conf. on Circuits and Systems, ICCC 80, New York, Oct. 1980.
- A. vanDam, M. Barbacci, C. Halatsis, J. Joosten and M. Letheren, “Simulation of a Horizontal Bit-Slice Processor: The MICE Experience” IFIP TC - 10 Proceedings 5th Int. Conf. On CHDL’s and their applications, Kaiserlantern, North - Holland, Sept. 1981.
- N. Gaitanis and C. Halatsis, “Negative realization of Fail-Safe Counters”, Proceedings Int. Symposium INFORMATICA 81, Bled, Yugoslavia, Oct. 1981
- C. Halatsis, invited paper, “Highly Concurrent Computing Structures”, by Proceedings, Conf. on Specialized Processors, Padova, April 1983.
- C. Efstathiou and C. Halatsis, “Modular Realization of m-out-n TSC Checkers”, Proceedings 13th Int. Symposium on Fault Tolerant Computing, FTCS 13, Milano, June 1983.
- C. Efstathiou and C. Halatsis, “Modular Design of Totally Self-Checking Checkers for 1-out-of-n codes”, Proceedings Second GI/NTG/GMF Conf. on Fault Tolerant Computing Systems, Bonn, Sept. 1984.
- M. Gavalas, A. Arvillias and C. Halatsis, “Hardware implementation of a unification algorithm for a PROLOG system”, Proceedings IX Symposium in Informatics, Jahorina, Yugoslavia April 1985.
- A.M. Paschalis, N. Nikolos and C. Halatsis, “Efficient Modular Design of TSC Checkers for m-out-of-2m codes”, Proceedings Aegean Workshop on Computing, VLSI Algorithms and Architectures, AWOG 86, Loutraki, July 1986, also in LNCS Vol 227, Springer Verlag, 1986.
- A. Pombortsis, P. Linardis and C. Halatsis, “Study of a Class of Conflict Resolution Strategies for Synchronous MultiprocessorInterconnection Networks”, Proceedings 12th Symposium on Microprocessing and Microporgramming, EUROMICRO 86, Venice, Sept. 1986.
- A. Pombortsis, P. Linardis and C. Halatsis, “On the Performance of Partitionable Multistage Interconnection Networks for Multiprocessor Systems”, Proceedings Integrated Circuit Technology Conference, Limerick, Irland, Sept. 1986.
- A.M. Paschalis, C. Halatsis and G. Philokyprou, “Towards concurrently Totally Self-Checking Microprogram Control Units”, Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on Fault Diagnostics, Reliability and Related Knowledge – Based Approaches, Rhodes, Sept. 1986, Also in Fault Diagnostics, Reliability and Related Knowledge – Based Approaches, Vol2, D.Reidel Publishing Company, pp357-368, 1987
- J. Vlachavas and C. Halatsis, “A New Abstract Prolog Instruction Set”, Proceedings Avignon 87, Expert systems and their applications, Avignon, May 13-15, 1987.
- I. Stamelos and C. Halatsis, “Efficient Test Generation for Register Transfer Level Descriptions”, Proceedings Third Int. GI/NTG/GMR Conference on Fault-Tolerant Computing Systems, Bremerhaven, Sept. 9-11, 1987.
- A. Pombortsis, P. Linardis and C. Halatsis, “Study of A Resource Arbitration - Interconnection Network for Multiprocessor Systems”, Proceedings 1987 CompEuro Conference, VLSI and Computers, COMP EURO 87, Hamburg May 1987.
- D. Stamatis and C. Halatsis, “Encapsulation Constructs in Prolog”, Proceedings Euromicro 87, 13th symposium on Microprocessing and Microprogramming, Portsmouth, Sept. 14-17, 1987.
- J. Vlachavas and C. Halatsis, “A RISC Prolog Machine Architecture”, Proceedings Euromicro 87, 13th symposium on Microprocessing and Microprogramming, Portsmouth, Sept. 14-17, 1987.
- A. Pombortsis, J. Vlachavas and C. Halatsis, “On the Performance of Packet Switching Interconnection Networks for Multiprocessor Systems”, Proceedings Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing and Applications, L’ Aquila, Italy, Setp. 23-25 1987.
- A. M. Paschalis, C. Halatsis and G. Philokyprou, “Towards Concurrently Totally Self-Checking Microprogram Control Units”, System Fault Diagnostics, Reliability and Related Knowledge-Based Approaches, Vol. 2, D. (edited by S. Tzafestas, M. Singh and G. Schmidt),Reidel Publishing Company, 1987, pp.357-368
- Γ. Φιλοκύπρου, Κ. Χαλάτσης, Μ. Χατζόπουλος, Γ. Κοτρώνης, Δ. Νικολός, Ν. Φλέσσας, Π. Γαρίδης, Μ. Σπηλιοτοπούλου, “Παράλληλη Εκτέλεση Ερωταποκρίσεων Βάσεων Δεδομένων” 2ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Πληροφορικής, Θεσ/κη, Νοέμβριος 1988.
- C. Halatsis and A. Arvillias, “National Plan for the COSINE Implementation Phase GREECE”, by EARN 89 International Conference, Heraklion Crete, May 21-31, 1989.
- E. Lembessis, G. Antonopoulos, R.E. King, C. Halatsis, J. Torres (1989): “CASSANDRA” : an online expert system for fault prognosis, Proceedings of the 5th CIM European Conference on Computer Integrated manufacturing, p.371-7, 17-19 May 1989.
- A. Pombortsis and C. Halatsis, “The effect of locality of Communication on the performance of circuit-switched multistage networks”, Proceedings of the 3rd Seminar on Teletrafic Engineering and Computing Modelling, Sofia, Oct. 1990.
- J. Vlahavas, A. Pombortsis, D, Stamatis, “Towards a parallel machine: the APIM Project”, Proc. Euromicro 90, Microprocessing and Microprogramming, August 1990, pp201-206
- C. Halatsis, M. Katzouraki, M. Hatzopoulos, P. Stamatopoulos, I. Karali, C. Mourlas, M. Gergatsoulis, E. Pelecanos, “PETINA Personalized Tourist Information Advisor”, Proceedings 3rd National Conference on Informatics, Athens, May 1991.
- C. Halatsis, M. Katzouraki, C. Mourlas, M. Gergatsoulis, Proceedings 3rd National Conference on Informatics, Athens, May “ElipSys Language Extension to Support Numerical and Real-Time Applications”, 1991.
- C. Halatsis, I. Karali, E. Pelecanos, “Modules and Abstract Data Types as Extension of the ElipSys Language”, Proceedings 3rd National Conference on Informatics, Athens, May 1991.
- P. Stamatopoulos, I. Karali, C. Halatsis, “PETINA, Tour Generation Using the ElipSys Inference System”, by Proceedings SAC’92, Symposium on applied Computing, ACM SIGAPP, Kansas City, March 1992.
- C. Mourlas and C. Halatsis, “Extensions to a Parallel Prolog System to Support Real-time Applications” Proceedings PARLE’92, Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe, IEEE, ESPRIT, Paris, June 1992.
- A. Tsalgatidou, D. Gouscos, C. Halatsis, “Rule-based Behavior Modeling of Information Systems”, Proceeding of the HICSS-26, Hawaii 5-8 Jan. 1993.
- I. Karali, E. Pelekanos, C, Halatsis, “A versatile Module System for Prolog mapped to flat Prolog”, Proceedings 1993 ACM Symp. On Applied Computing, Indianapolis 14-16 Febr. 1993.
- Δ. Γκούσκος, Α. Τσαλγατίδου, Κ. Χαλάτσης, “Ένα βασισμένο σε οντότητες Μοντέλο Δεδομένων και ο Μαθηματικός του ορισμός”, Πρακτικά 4ου Ελληνικού Συνεδρίου Πληροφορικής, Πάτρα, Νοέμβριος 1993.
- by C. Halatsis, P. Stamatopoulos, I. Karali, C. Mourlas, D. Gouskos, D. Margaritis, C. Fouskakis, A. Kolokouris, P. Xinos, M. Reeve, A. Veron, K. Schuerman, L.L. Li, “MATOURA Multi-Agent TOUrist Advisor”, Proceedings ENTER’94, Insbruck, Jan. 1994.
- A. Tsalgatidou, D. Gouskos, C. Halatsis, Specifying and Validating Requirements: The VENUS System”, Proceedings TOOLS EUROPE’94, Paris, March 1994.
- I. Karali and C. Halatsis, “Abstract Data Type Support on PROLOG and its relation to Parallelism”, Proceedings SAC’ 94, Phoenix Arizona, March 1994.
- P. Stamatopoulos, D. Margaritis and C. Halatsis, “Extending a Parallel CLP Language to Support the Development of Multi-Agent Systems”, Proceedings SAC’94, Phoenix Arizona, March 1994.
- C. Mourlas and C. Halatsis, “MAGE: A Massively Agent Execution Systems for Logic Programming”, Proceeding of PARLE’94, Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe, Athens, July 1994.
- A. Tsalgatidou, Z. Palasksas, C. Halatsis, M. Hatzopoulos, “An Integrated and Customizable Support System for building Hypermedia Training Applications”, Proceedings of DEXA-94, Athens, Sept’94, Springer-Verlag’94.
- A. Tsalgatidou, Z. Palaskas, C. Halatsis, M. Hatzopoulos, A support system for building hypermedia training applications, Hypermedia Databases, Database and Expert Systems Applications, Volume 856 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 540-549, 03 June 200
- A. Tsalgatidou, D. Gouskos, C. Halatsis, “Dynamic Process Modeling through Multi-level RBNs”, Proceedings of DYNMOD-IV, Noord-wijkerhout, NL, Delft Univ. Press’94.
- I. Voyiatzis, A. Paschalis, D. Nikolos, C. Halatsis, “Accumulator-Based BIST Approach for Stuck-Open and Delay Fault Testing”, Proc. European Design and Test Conference, pp 431-435, Paris, March 6-9,1995.
- D. Dimitrelos and C. Halatsis, “SVS: Can The Shared Variable Paradigm Exist in Massively Parallel Multiprocessors?”, Proceedings First ICA^3 PP’95, Brisbane, Australia, April 1995.
- D. Dimitrelos and C. Halatsis, “On the Distribution of Directory Information in a Software Controlled Distributed Shared Memory System” , Parallel Programming and Applications, P. Fritzson and L.Finmo (Eds.) IOS Press, 1995
- I. Karali and C. Halatsis, “A refinement of Import/Export Declarations in Modular Logic Programming and its Semantics”, Proceedings of Colloquium on Formal Approaches in Software Eng. (FASE) of the 6th Int. Joint Conf on the Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT’95) Aarhus, (DK), May 1995.
- I. Voyiatzis, D. Nikolos, A. Paschalis, C. Halatsis and Th. Haniotakis, “An Efficient Comparative Concurrent Built-In Self-Test Technique”, Proc. Of the 4th IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS’95), Nov. 1995, pp. 316-321.
- C. Halatsis, P. Stamatopoulos, I. Karali, T. Bitsikas, G. Fesakis, A. Schizas, S. Sfakianakis, C. Fouskakis, Th. Coukoumpetsos and D. Papageorgiou, “Crew Scheduling Based on Constraint Programming: The PARACHUTE experience”, Proc. HERMIS’96, Athens, Sept. 26-28, 1996.
- C. Pavlopoulou, A. Gionis, P. Stamatopoulos, C. Halatsis, “Crew Pairing Optimization Based on CLP”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Practical Applications of Constraint Technology PACT '96, pp. 191-210, London, 1996.
- A. Alonistioti, N. Loukas, L. Merakos, C. Halatsis, “ Formal Design and Mapping of IN based Handover Functional Elements onto UMTS Network Architecture”, Proceedings EPMCC’97, European Personal Mobile Communications Conference, VDE Verlag, pp. 359-366, Bonn, Germany, 1997.
- C. Mourlas and C. Halatsis, “Task Synchronization for Distributed Real-Time Applications”, Proceedings Ninth Euromicro Workshop on Real Time Systems, Toledo, Spain, 11-13 June 1997.
- C.C. Marinagi, C.D. Spyropoulos, S. Kokkotos, C. Halatsis, “The role of planning in scheduling Patient Tests in Hospital Laboratories”, Proceedings Third European Robotics, Intelligent Systems & Control Conference (EURISCON’98), Athens, Greece, June 22-25, 1998.
- I. Voyiatzis, A. Paschalis, D. Nikolos and C. Halatsis, “Exhaustive and Pseudo-exhaustive Arithmetic Built-In Two-Pattern Generation for Datapaths”, Proceedings IEEE Forth International On-Line Testing Workshop, Capri, Italy, July 1998, pp.90-94.
- I. Voyiatzis, A. Paschalis, D. Nikolos and C. Halatsis, “R-CBIST: An Effective RAM-based Input Vector Monitoring Concurrent BIST Technique”, Proceedings IEEE International Test Conference, Washington D.C. , October 1998.
- D. Dimitrelos and C. Halatsis, “MaDCoWS: A Scalable Distributed Shared Memory Environment for Massivelly Parallel Multiprocessors”, Proceeding HPCN’99, Amsterdam, NL, April 12-14, 1999.
- D. Dimitrelos and C. Halatsis, “Improving the Performance of Distributed Shared Memory Environments on Grid Multiprocessors”, Euro-Par’99, Toulouse, France, 31 Aug.- 3 Sept., 1999.
- I. Voyiatzis, N. Kratinis, A Paschalis, D. Gizopoulos, and C. Halatsis, “ALU-Based Built-In Self Test Generator for Transition Fault Testing”, 7th IEEE European Test Workshop (ETW’02, Corfu, Greece, May 2002, poster.
- G. Fessakis, A. Dimitracopoulou, and C. Halatsis, Secondary education students’ difficulties on database design and remedial teaching strategies”, 2nd Int Conference on Multimedia and Information & Communication Technologies in Education(m-ICTE 2003), Badajoz, Spain, Dec. 2003.
- G. Petasis, C. and C. Halatsis, “e-GRIDS: Computationally Efficient Grammatical Inference from Positive Examples”, 7th IEEE European Test Workshop (ETW’02, Corfu, Greece, May 2002, poster.
- G. Boukeas, P. Stamatopoulos, C. Halatsis and V. Zissimopoulos, “Inherent Choice in the Search Space of Constraint Satisfaction Problem Instances”, 3rd Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, SETN-2004, Samos, 2004.
- G. Boukeas, C. Halatsis, V. Zissimopoulos and , P. Stamatopoulos, “Measures of Intrinsic Hardness for Constraint Satisfaction Problem Instances ”, 3oth Conference on current trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, SOFSEM 2004, LNCS 2932, pp 184-195, Prague 2004.
- I. Voyiatzis and C. Halatsis, “A Concurrent BIST scheme for online/offline testing based on a precomputed test set”, IEEE International Test Conference, Nov 2005.
- A. Katifori, E. Torou, C. Halatsis, C. Vassilakis, G. Lepouras, “A Comparative Study of Four Ontology Visualization Techniques in Protégé: Experiment Setup and Preliminary Results”, IV 2006
- E. Torou, A. Katifori, C. Vassilakis, G. Lepouras, C. Halatsis, “Creating an Historical Archive Ontology: Guidelines and Evaluation”, Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2006) December 06-08, 2006, Bangalore, India
- A. Katifori, C. Vassilakis, G. Lepouras, I. Daradimos, C. Halatsis “Visualizing a Temporally – Enhanced Ontology”, Proceedings of the AVI Conference, May 23-26, 2006, Venice, Italy
- M. Golemati, C. Halatsis, C. Vassilakis, V. Katifori, G. Lepouras, “A Context-Based Adaptive Visualization Environment”, Proceedings of the Information Visualization IV'06 Conference, London, Great Britain, 2006
- G. Louloudis, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis, K. Halatsis, “A Block-Based Hough Transform Mapping for Text Line Detection in Handwritten Documents”, Tenth International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR06 2006) October 2006, La Baule, France.
- A. Katifori, C. Vassilakis, G. Lepouras,C. Halatsis, E. Daradimos, “Visualizing a Temporally – Enhanced Ontology”, Proceedings of the AVI '06, May 23-26, 2006, Venice, Italy
- E.Torou, A. Katifori, C. Vassilakis, G. Lepouras,C. Halatsis, “Creating an Historical Archive Ontology: Guidelines and Evaluation”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2006)
- N. Kranitis, A. Merentitis, N. Laoutaris, G. Theodorou, A. Paschalis, D. Gizopoulos, C. Halatsis (2006): Optimal periodic testing of intermittent faults in embedded pipelined processor applications, Proceedings, DATE ’06, ,pp 65-70, European Design and Automation Association 3001 Leuven, Belgium.
- M. Golemati, A. Katifori, C. Vassilakis, G. Lepouras, C. Halatsis, “Creating an Ontology for the User Profile: Method and Applications”, The First International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), April 23-26, 2007, Quarzazate, Morocco
- A. Katifori, E. Torou, C. Vassilakis, G. Lepouras, I. Daradimos, C. Halatsis, “Historical Archive Ontologies – Requirements, Modeling and Visualization”, The First International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), April 23-26, 2007, Quarzazate, Morocco
- A. Katifori, E. Torou, C. Vassilakis, G. Lepouras,C. Halatsis, “Historical Archive Ontologies – Requirements, Modelling and Visualization”, Proceedings of the RCIS 2007 Conference
- M. Golemati, A. Katifori, C. Vassilakis, G. Lepouras,C. Halatsis, “Creating an Ontology for the User Profile: Method and Applications”, Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), Morocco 2007
- G. Louloudis, B. Gatos & C. Halatsis (2007) “Text Line Detection in Unconstrained Handwritten Documents Using a Block-Based Hough Transform Approach” , Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR2007), September 2007, Curitiba, Brazil.
- Leontidis, M., Halatsis, C. (2007). An Affective Model for Personalized Learning in Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems. In Proceedings of Personalization in e-learning environments at individual and group level, 11th International Conference on User Modeling (UM’07), June 2007, Corfu, Greece.
- Leontidis, M., Halatsis, C. (2007). “An Affective Way to Enrich Learning in Adaptive Educational Hypermrdia Systems”,. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on e-Learning, 6-8 July, Lisbon, Portugal, 32-36.
- A. Katifori, E. Torou, C. Halatsis, C. Vassilakis, G. Lepouras, “Selected Results of a Comparative Study of Four Ontology Visualization Methods for Information Retrieval tasks”, Proceedings of the RCIS 2008, pp 133-140, June 3-6 2008, Marrakech, Morocco.
- A. Katifori, E. Torou, C. Vassilakis, C. Halatsis, “Supporting Research in Historical Archives: Historical Information Visualization and Modeling Requirements”, Proceedings of IV08, pp32-37, 2008
- G. Louloudis, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis & C. Halatsis, (2008), “Line and Word Segmentation of Handwritten Documents”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR2008), August 2008, Montreal, Canada.
- M. Golemati, A. Katifori, E. Giannopoulou, E. Daradimos, C. Vassilakis, G. Lepouras,C. Halatsis, (2008): “An Interview-Based User Study on the use of Visualizations for Folder Browsing”, Proceedings of IV08, pp106-112, 2008
- Γασπαρινάτου, Α., Τσαγκάνου, Γ., Λεοντίδης, Μ., Γρηγοριάδου, Μ. (2008). Προσαρμοστικό Περιβάλλον που Υποστηρίζει Κατανόηση και Μάθηση από Κείμενα Πληροφορικής, Πρακτικά του 6ου Πανελληνίου συνεδρίου με διεθνή συμμετοχή για τις τεχνολογίες της πληροφορίας και των επικοινωνιών στην εκπαίδευση, 25-28 Σεπτέμβρη 2008, Λεμεσός - Κύπρος.
- Λεοντίδης M., Χαλάτσης K., Γασπαρινάτου A., Βαζούρας Σ., (2008), Καθοδηγώντας το Μαθητή μέσα από το Πρίσμα μιας Συναισθηματικής Εκπαιδευτικής Προσέγγισης, Πρακτικά του 6ου Πανελληνίου συνεδρίου με διεθνή συμμετοχή για τις τεχνολογίες της πληροφορίας και των επικοινωνιών στην εκπαίδευση, 25-28 Σεπτέμβρη 2008, Λεμεσός - Κύπρος.
- Leontidis, M., Halatsis, C., Grigoriadou, M. (2008). e-learning Issues under an Affective Perspective. In F. Li et al. (Eds.): ICWL 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5145, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 27–38.
- Leontidis, M., Gasparinatou, A., Grigoriadou, M. (2008). Mentoring the Student in an Affective Way. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on e-Learning, 22-25 July, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 80-84.
- D. Dimitrelos, Halatsis C. “On the Distribution of Directory Information in a Software Controlled Distributed Shared Memory System” Proc. of the Workshop on Parallel Programming …, 1995
- M. Golemati, C. Vassilakis, A. Katifori, G. Lepouras, C. Halatsis (2009): Visualizing Hierarchies: Evaluating the Efficiency and Cognitive Effects of Six VisualizationBrowsing and Management Tasks, Poster presentation in IV09.
- Petrilis D, Halatsis C. (2011) Combining SOMs and Ontologies for Effective Web Site Mining. In: Self-Organizing Maps – Applications and Novel Design. InTech, pp 109-124
- Leontidis, M., Halatsis, C., Grigoriadou, M. (2009) “An Ontological Approach to Infer Student's Emotions” , In Fu Lee Wang, Joseph Fong, Liming Zhang and Victor S.K. Lee (Eds.): Hybrid Learning and Education. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5685. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 89-100.
- Leontidis, M., Halatsis, C. (2009). Integrating Learning Styles and Personality Traits into an Affective Model to Support Learner's Learning. In Spaniol, M., Qing Li, Klamma, R., and Lau, W.H. R. (Eds.): Advances in Web Based Learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 5686. Berlin: Springer-Verlag 225-234.
- Leontidis, M., Halatsis, C., Grigoriadou, M. (2009). MENTORing Affectively the Student to Enhance his Learning. In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE lnternational Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2009), Riga, Latvia, July 15-17, 579–583.
- Leontidis, M., Halatsis, C. (2009). Supporting Learner’s Needs with an Ontology-Based Bayesian Network. In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE lnternational Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2009), Riga, Latvia, July 15-17, 455-459.
- Leontidis, M., Halatsis, C., Grigoriadou, M., Vazouras, S. (2009). Using an Ontological Approach to Support the Student Affectively. In G. Siemens & C. Fulford (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (ED-MEDIA 2009). Chesapeake, VA: AACE, 1142-1151.
- Leontidis, M., Halatsis, C. (2009). Inferring Learner's Emotions Adopting an Ontological Approach. In Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI 2009), Las Vegas Nevada, USA, July 13-16, 660-666.
- E. Torou, A. Katifori, C. Vassilakis, G. Lepouras, C. Halatsis, (2009): Capturing the historical research methodology: an experimental approach, Proceedings of International Conf. of education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2009), Madrid, Nov. 2009.
- Leontidis, M., Halatsis, C. (2009). Constructing an Affective Path to Support Learners in a Distance Learning Environment. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2009): Workshop on Closing the Affective Loop in Intelligent Learning Environments, Brighton, UK , July 6-7th.
- Marisa Masvoula, Constantine Halatsis, Drakoulis Martakos (2011): Predictive Automated Negotiators Employing Risk-Seeking and Risk-Averse Strategies. EANN/AIAI (1): 325-334.
- Λεοντίδης, Μ., Χαλάτσης, Κ., Γρηγοριάδου, Μ., Βαζούρας, Σ. (2011). Περιγράφοντας ένα Διαδικτυακό Πολυμεσικό Μοντέλο Μάθησης για εξ Αποστάσεως Εκπαίδευση με Στόχο την Αποτελεσματική Συναισθηματική Παρακίνηση του Μαθητή. Πρακτικά του 6ου Πανεληνίου Συνεδρίου των Εκπαιδευτικών για τις ΤΠΕ “Αξιοποίηση των Τεχνολογιών της Πληροφορίας και τηw Επικοινωνίας στη Διδακτική Πράξη”, 6-8 Μαίου, Σύρος.
- Acrivi Katifori, Costas Vassilakis, George Lepouras, Elena Torou, Constantin Halatsis (2014): Visualization method effectiveness in ontology-based information tasks involving entity evolution, Proceedings of SMAP, pp 14-19, 2014
- Mamakou, I., C. Halatsis & M. Grigoriadou (2017, June) Modernising Instructional Methodologies in Computer and Telecomminication Engineering Education in The Proceeding of the 27th EAEEIE (European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering Annual Conference, Grenoble, available at ΙΕΕΕxplore
- Mamakou, I., C. Halatsis & M. Grigoriadou (2017, June) Curricula Review in Computer and Telecommunication Engineering Education in Greece in The Proceeding of the 27th EAEEIE (European Association for Education in Electrical and Information EngineeringAnnual Conference, Grenoble, available at ΙΕΕΕxplore
Θεωρία Υπολογισμού Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο, Πάτρα 2002 (translation of title in English:Theory of Computation), Hellenic Open University, Patra, 2002)
Κεφάλαια Βιβλίων
- Maria Golemati, Costas Vassilakis, Akrivi Katifori, George Lepouras, Constantin Halatsis, Context and Adaptivity-Driven Visualization Method Selection, Chapter in Intelligent User Interfaces: Adaptation and Personalization Systems and Technologies
- Leontidis, M., Halatsis, C. (2009). Affective Issues in Adaptive Educational Environments. A chapter in: Cognitive and Emotional Processes in Web-Based Education: Integrating Human Factors and Personalization. Mourlas, C., Tsianos, N., Germanakos, P. (Eds.), IGI Global, Hershey, USA, 111-133.
Επιμέλεια Βιβλίων
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Proceedings of the 5th CIM Europe Conference. 17-19 May, 1989, Athens, Greece by Costas Halatsis and Jose Torres (Jun 21, 1989)
- PARLE '94 Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe: 6th International PARLE Conference, Athens, Greece, July... by Costas Halatsis, Dimitrios Maritsas, George Philokyprou and Sergios Theodoridis (Jun 8, 1994)