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M. Matthaiou, Y. Kopsinis, D. Laurenson, and A. Sayeed, “Ergodic Capacity Upper Bound for Dual MIMO Ricean Systems: Simplified Derivation and Asymptotic Tightness,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, pp 3589-3596, Dec. 2009.

An analytical upper bound on the ergodic capacity of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems is deduced with the aid of a simplified approach that relies on a fundamental power normalization. Given their high practical usability, we are particularly interested in dual configurations where both ends deploy two antenna elements. Contrary to the majority of related studies, where only the common case of Rayleigh fading is considered, our analysis is extended to account for Ricean fading where a deterministic Line-of-Sight (LoS) component exists in the communication link and both ends are affected by spatial correlation. In the following, it is shown that the proposed bound is applicable for any arbitrary Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and rank of the mean channel matrix. In fact, we consider both conventional and optimized MIMO configurations with equal LoS eigenvalues. Moreover, the tightness of the bound is explored where it is demonstrated that as the SNR tends to zero the bound becomes asymptotically tight; at high SNRs, the offset between empirical capacity and the bound is analytically computed which implies that an explicit asymptotic capacity expression can ultimately be obtained.

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author={Matthaiou, M. and Kopsinis, Y. and Laurenson, D.I. and Sayeed, A.M.},
journal={Communications, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Ergodic capacity upper bound for dual MIMO Ricean systems: simplified derivation and asymptotic tightness},
pages={3589 -3596},

* Pre-print manuscripts might have significant modifications from the finally published paper.
