Note on usage: All software is under the beerware licence, users are kindly asked to contact me when in doubt about the proper use of the tools.
- PyrrhusPPC: An efficient algorithm implementation for enforcing partial path consistency on distributive IA and RCC8 networks | random testing dataset | real testing dataset
- Pyrrhus: A variable elimination algorithm implementation for enforcing directional path consistency on IA and RCC8 networks
- Delphys, Delphys▽: Algorithm implementations for extracting non-redundant relations in distributive RCC8 networks | testing dataset | decomposed testing dataset
- Decomposer: A decomposer of IA and RCC8 networks into their biconnected components | testing dataset
- IA random instances generator and RCC8 random instances generator: IA and RCC8 generators for scale-free-like network instances, based on the Barabási-Albert (BA) model
- Peltast▽: A vertex incremental partial path consistency implementation for IA and RCC8 networks | random testing dataset | real testing dataset
- Peltast: A vertex incremental path consistency implementation for IA and RCC8 networks | testing dataset
- Phalanx, Phalanx▽, Sarissa: Qualitative reasoners for IA and RCC8 written in pure Python | testing dataset
- LXC collectd plugin: A LXC plugin for collectd written in pure Python, works for Fedora 16+, can be adjusted easily for other distros too
- LXC data poller: A Python module to poll data from LXC containers in Fedora 16+
- PyRCC8: A RCC8 based qualitative spatial reasoner written in pure Python
- SiVaC: A graph compression algorithm for large-scale web-like graphs (web/social networks/citation graphs) written in pure Python
- NQueens: A CSP framework for educational purposes written in C++
- eStore: An eCommerce implementation written in Java
Curriculum Vitae
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