Awards - Distinctions
- EURASIP Athanasios Papoulis Award for "Sustained Fundamental Contributions to Research and Education in Signal Processing and Machine Learning", 2017.
- IEEE Signal Processing Society Education Award for "Substained contributions for Machine Learning for Signal Processing", 2014.
- European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) Meritorious Service Award, 2014.
- Fellow EURASIP (cited for: contributions to adaptive signal processing and machine learning), 2011.
- Corresponding Fellow Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) (Scottish Academy of Arts and Science), 2009.
- Fellow IEEE (cited for: contributions to the design of adaptive signal processing systems), 2008.
- Fellow IET, 2000.
- IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Distinguished Lecturer, 2014-2016.
- IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer, 2009-2010.
- Co-author of the paper that received the Best paper award of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 2014.
- Co-author of the paper that received the Best Scientific paper award (Track III: Signal, Speech, Image and Video Processing) the 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010.
- Co-author of the paper that received the Best student paper award of the Intl. Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing, Elba, Italy, 2010.
- Co-author of the paper that received the 2009 Outstanding paper award of the IEEE Transactions on Neural networks.
- Co-author of the paper that received the Best student paper award in IEEE Workshop on Multimedia and Signal Processing, Crete, Greece, 2007.
- Co-author of the paper that received the Best paper award in Multimedia Metadata Applications (M3A) Workshop, Innovations Conference for Knowledge Management, New Media Technologies and Semantic Technologies (Triple-i: i-Know, i-Semantics,i-Media),Graz, Austria, 2007.
- Co-author of the paper that received the Best student paper award in European signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Antalya, Turkey, 2005.
- Advisor of the Phd. Thesis (M. Mavroforakis), which received the Best Phd Thesis Award, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, 2010.
- Advisor of the Phd. Thesis (M. Mavroforakis), which received the Best Phd Thesis Award, European Association for Signal and Image Processing (EYRASIP), 2011.
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