The course concentrates on the study of modern deep learning techniques and their use in natural language processing.
The course covers a wide range of AI topics and their use in NLP: introduction to machine learning, regression, perceptron, neural networks, backpropagation, deep neural network training, word vectors, word2vec and related models, language modeling and RNNs, vanishing gradients, LSTMs/GRUs, machine translation, seq2seq and attention, transformers, large language models (BERT, GPT family, GEMINI family etc.).
Lectures: Thursday 13:00 - 16:00, Room A1
Tutorials: Tuesday 13:00 - 14:00, Room ΣΤ
You need to sign up to the course forum here.
You need to sign up to eclass here.
The programming exercises of the course are done using Python, SciKitLearn and PyTorch.
There will be 4 homeworks counting for 4*25=100% of the mark. There is no final exam.