- Using ICT in Cultural Heritage, bless or mess? Stakeholders’ and practitioners’ view through the eCultValue project
Y. Ioannidis, E. Toli, K. El Raheb, M.Boile, Euromed2014 Limasol Cyprus.
- Modeling Abstractions for Dance Digital Libraries
K. El Raheb, Y.Ioannidis. to appear in DL2014 London, 2014.
- From Dance Notation to Conceptual Models: A Multilayer Approach
K. El Raheb, Y. Ioannidis. In Proceedings of the 2014 International Workshop on Movement and Computing (p. 25) ACM
- One object many stories: Introducing ICT in museums and collections through digital storytelling
Y.Ioannidis, K.El Raheb, E. Toli, M.Boile, A. Katifori and M.Mazura, Digital Heritage 2013 International Congress, 28th October-1st November,Marseille.
[pdf] [presentation]
- An XML-based Web Interface to Present and Analyze the Music Aspect of Dance
L. L.Luca, K. El Raheb, and Y. Ioannidis, 10th International Symposium on
Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR2013) Sound, Music and Motion, 15th -18th October 2013, Marseille.
- Dance in the world of data and objects
K. El Raheb, Y. Ioannidis, Information Technologies for Performing Arts, Media Access, and Entertainment. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. 192-204.
[pdf] [presentation]
- A Labanotation Based Ontology for Representing Dance Movement
K. El Raheb, Y.Ioannidis, Gesture and Sign Language in Human-Computer Interaction and Embodied Communication. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. 106-117
- A Framework for Digital Library Function Description, Publication, and Discovery: A prerequisite for interoperable Digital Libraries
G. Athanasopoulos, K. El Raheb, E. Fox, G.Kakaletris, N. Manola, C. Meghini, A. Rauber and D. Soergel,
2nd Workshop @ ECDL 2010, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 2010.
- Paving the way for Interoperability in Digital Libraries: The Project
K. El Raheb, G. Athanasopoulos ,
L. Candela, D. Castelli, P. Innocenti, Y. Ioannidi, A. Katifori, A. Nika , S. Parker, S. Ross, C. Thanos, E.Toli, G.Vullo,
In A. Katsirikou, C. Skiadas (Eds.): New Trends in Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, pp. 345-352, World Scientic, 2011.
- Production Scheduling with complex constraints in parallel machines
K. El Raheb, C. Kiranoudis, P. Repoussis, C.Tarantilis,
Journal of Computing & Informatics, Volume 24, 2005, No.3.
- Digital Library Reference Model
L. Candela, G. Athanasopoulos, D. Castelli, K. El Raheb, P. Innocenti,
Y. Ioannidis, A. Katifori, A. Nika, G. Vullo, S.Ross, D3.2b., Project Deliverable, April 2011.
- Digital Library Technology and Methodology Cookbook
G. Athanasopoulos, L. Candela, D. Castelli, K. El Raheb, P. Innocenti, Y. Ioannidis, V. Katifori, A. Nika, S. Ross, A. Tani, C. Thanos , E. Toli , G.Vullo, G.
D3.4. Project Deliverable, April 2011.
- Dance Ontology : Towards a searchable knowledge base
K. El Raheb , Workshop on Movement Qualities and Physical Models Visualization, IRCAM Centre Pompidou, Paris 2012.