Distributed Computing for Machine Learning Applications
Design and Performance Evaluation of Network Protocols
Vehicular Networks Cybersecurity
Research Projects Involvement:
(HORIZON-CL3-2023) CASTOR - Continuum of Trust: Increased Path Agility and Trustworthy Device and Service Provisioning
(HORIZON-CL5-2021) CONNECT - Continuous and Efficient Cooperative Trust Management for Resilient CCAM
(H2020-EU-ART) Hi-Drive - Addressing challenges toward the deployment of higher automation
(H2020-EU-ICT) TERAWAY - Terahertz technology for ultra-broadband and ultra-wideband operation of backhaul and fronthaul links in systems with SDN management of network and radio resources
(CEF Telecom 2018-EL-IA-0115) 2CeVau - Cybersecure Corridors for eVehicle Automation
(H2020-EU-ART) HEADSTART - Harmonised European Solutions for Testing Automated Road Transport
(H2020-EU-ICT) SAFERtec - Security Assurance FramEwoRk for neTworked vEhicular teChnology
(H2020-EU-ART) ICT4CART - ICT Infrastructure for Connected and Automated Road Transport
(H2020-EU-ART) L3Pilot - Piloting
Automated Driving on European Roads
(H2020-EU-Integrated Transport) CAPITAL Collaborative cApacity Programme on ITS Training-educAtion and Liaison
(EU-FP7-ICT) AutoNet2030 - Co-operative Systems in Support of Networked Automated Driving by 2030
(EU-FP7-ICT) MyWay - European Smart Mobility Resource Manager
(EU-FP7-ICT) EINS - Network of Excellence in InterNet Science
(EU-IST-FET) RECOGNITION - Relevance and Cognition for Self-Awareness in a Content-centric Internet
(EU-IST-FET) SOCIALNETS - Social Networking for Pervasive Adaptation
(EU-IST-FET) BIONETS - Biologically-inspired Autonomic Networks
and Services
G. Drainakis, P. Pantazopoulos, K.V. Katsaros, V. Sourlas, T. Xirofotos, N. Baganal-Krishna, A. Rizk, R. Horvath, G. Scivoletto, A. Amditis and D.I. Kaklamani, "Service Orchestration at the Extreme-Edge: An Experimental Investigation Over a 5G Testbed'', IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2025), 8–12 June 2025, Montreal, Canada.
T. Miekkala, P. Pyykönen, G. Drainakis, P. Pantazopoulos, T. Mueller, K.V. Katsaros, V. Sourlas, A. Amditis and D.I. Kaklamani, "NordicDat: A Cross-Border Predictive QoS Dataset'', IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom 2024), 8–12 December 2024, Cape Town, South Africa.
I. Sartzetakis, P. Pantazopoulos, K. V. Katsaros, V. Sourlas, E. Varvarigos, "Dynamic Edge/Cloud Resource Allocation for Distributed Computation under Semi-Static Demands'', IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'24), 9–13 June 2024, Denver, CO, USA.
G. Drainakis, P. Pantazopoulos, K. V. Katsaros, V. Sourlas, A. Amditis, D. I. Kaklamani, "Distributed Predictive QoS in Automotive Environments under Concept Drift'', IFIP/IEEE Networking'24, 3-6 June 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece.
I. Sartzetakis, P. Soumplis, P. Pantazopoulos, K. V. Katsaros, V. Sourlas and E. Varvarigos, "Edge/Cloud Infinite-time Horizon Resource Allocation for Distributed Machine Learning and General Tasks'', IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 697-713, Feb. 2024.
G. Drainakis, P. Pantazopoulos, K.V. Katsaros, V. Sourlas, A. Amditis and D. Kaklamani, "From Centralized to Federated Learning: Exploring Performance and End-to-End Resource Consumption'', Elsevier Computer Networks, Volume 225, April 2023, 109657.
T. Theodoropoulos, P. Pantazopoulos, E. Karfopoulos, P. Lytrivis, G. Karaseitanidis and A. Amditis, "Proportionally fair and scalable EV charging under distribution line voltage constraints'', Elsevier Electric Power Systems Research, vol 208, July 2022, 107797.
I. Sartzetakis, P. Soumplis, P. Pantazopoulos, K. V. Katsaros, V. Sourlas and E. Varvarigos, "Resource Allocation for Distributed Machine Learning at the Edge-Cloud Continuum'', In the Proeedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 16-20 May 2022, Seoul, South Korea.
V. Sourlas, A. Rizk, K. V. Katsaros, P. Pantazopoulos, G. Drainakis and A. Amditis, "Ditributed ML Framework for Service Deployment in the 5G-based Automotive Vertical'', In the Proeedings of the IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (IEEE MeditCom 2021),
7–10 September 2021, Athens, Greece.
A. Stamou, P. Pantazopoulos, S. Haddad, and A. Amditis, "Enabling Efficient Common Criteria Security Evaluation for Connected Vehicles", IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (IEEE CSR), Online conference, 26-28 July 2021.
G. Drainakis, P. Pantazopoulos, K. V. Katsaros, V. Sourlas, and A. Amditis, "On the Resource Consumption of Distributed ML", In the Procedings of IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (IEEE LANMAN), Virtual Conference, 12–13 July 2021.
G. Drainakis, P. Pantazopoulos, K. V. Katsaros, V. Sourlas, and A. Amditis, "On the distribution of ML workloads to the network edge and beyond", In the Proeedings of the IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Distrbuted Learning and Fog Networks (IEEE FOGML), Online workshop, 10 May 2021.
G. Drainakis, K. V. Katsaros, P. Pantazopoulos, V. Sourlas, and A. Amditis, "Federated vs. centralized machine learning under privacy-elastic users: A comparative analysis", In the Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA 2020), Online conference, 24-27 November 2020.
A. Marchetto, P. Pantazopoulos, A. Váradi, S. Capato, A. Amditis, "CVS: Design, Implementation, Validation and Implications of a Real-world V2I Prototype Testbed", 91st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2020-Spring, Antwerp, Belgium, May 2020.
K. Maliatsos, C. Lyvas, P. Pantazopoulos, C. Lambrinoudakis, A. Kanatas, M. Gay, A. Amditis, "Standardizing Security Evaluation Criteria for Connected Vehicles: A Modular Protection Profile",
IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN'19), Granada, Spain, October 28-30, 2019.
P. Pantazopoulos, S. Haddad, C. Lambrinoudakis, C. Kalloniatis, K. Maliatsos, A. Kanatas, A. Váradi, M. Gay, A. Amditis, "Towards a Security Assurance Framework for Connected Vehicles", The 5th IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on Smart Vehicles: Connectivity Technologies and ITS Applications, Chania, Greece, June 12, 2018.
E. Portouli, P. Lytrivis, T. Theodoropoulos, P. Pantazopoulos, A. Amditis, "Can multimodal trip planning alter the travelers' mobility behavior? A cross-European study",
The 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2016), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 1-4, 2016.
P. Pantazopoulos, L. Altomare, K. Paglé, A. Toffetti, P. Lytrivis, A. Amditis, "Designing a Dual-display HMI System for Connected Vehicles: the AutoNet2030 Approach", 23rd World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITSWC 2016), Melbourne, Australia, 10-14 October 2016.
M. Obst, A. Marjovi, M. Vasic, I. Navarro, A. Martinoli, A Amditis, P. Pantazopoulos, I. Llatser, A. de La Fortelle, X. Qian, "Challenges for Automated Cooperative Driving– The AutoNet2030 Approach", book chapter in Springer Publishing ‘Automated Driving‘, Editors: Daniel Watzenig, Martin Horn, September 2016.
T. Theodoropoulos, E. Portouli , J. Fernández, P. Pantazopoulos, I. Bakas, A. Amditis, "European Smart Mobility Planner (MyWay): Frontend design and first evaluation results", 11th ITS European Congress, Glasgow, 6-9 June 2016.
P. Pantazopoulos, "Internet Content Management using Complex Network Analysis techniques", Chapter in the book of DIT Doctoral Dissertation Abstracts, Volume 10, May 2015.
P. Pantazopoulos, I. Stavrakakis, "Low-cost Enhancement of the Intra-domain Internet Robustness Against Intelligent Node Attacks", The 11th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks (IEEE/IFIP DRCN), March 25-27, 2015, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
G. Nomikos, P. Pantazopoulos, M. Karaliopoulos, I. Stavrakakis, "Comparative Assessment of Centrality Indices and Implications on the Vulnerability of ISP Networks", The 26th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 26, sponsored by IEEE), September 9-11, 2014, Karlskrona, Sweden.
P. Pantazopoulos, M. Karaliopoulos, I. Stavrakakis, "Distributed Placement of Autonomic Internet Services", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol.25, no.7, pp.1702-12, July 2014. [Associated supplementary file : ]
G. Nomikos, P. Pantazopoulos, M. Karaliopoulos, I. Stavrakakis, "The Multiple Instances of Node Centrality and their Implications on the Vulnerability of ISP networks",
arXiv:1312.4707, December 2013.
P. Pantazopoulos, M. Karaliopoulos, I. Stavrakakis, "On the Local Approximations of Node Centrality in Internet Router-level Topologies", The 7th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems (IFIP IWSOS'13), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 9-10th of May, 2013 (appears in Springer LNCS 8821, pp 115-126, 2014).
M. Karaliopoulos, P. Pantazopoulos, E. Jaho, I. Stavrakakis, "Trace-driven Analysis of Data Forwarding in Opportunistic Networks", The 2nd conference on the Analysis of Mobile Phone Datasets and Networks (NetMob'11), October 10-11, 2011 MIT (Media Lab), Boston, USA.
P. Nikolopoulos, T. Papadimitriou, P. Pantazopoulos, M. Karaliopoulos, I. Stavrakakis, "How much off-center Are Centrality Metrics for Routing in Opportunistic Networks", ACM MobiCom 2011 Workshop on Challenged Networks (CHANTS'11)
September 23, 2011, Las Vegas, USA.
P. Pantazopoulos, M. Karaliopoulos, I. Stavrakakis, "Centrality-driven Scalable Service Migration", The 23rd International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 23, sponsored by IEEE Comm. Society and in cooperation with ACM/SIGCOMM), September 6-8, 2011, San Francisco, USA.
P. Pantazopoulos, M. Karaliopoulos, I. Stavrakakis, "On the Local Approximations of Node Centrality in Internet Router-level Topologies" , Technical Report, January 2013.
P. Pantazopoulos, M. Karaliopoulos, I. Stavrakakis, "Scalable Distributed Service Migration via Complex Networks Analysis", arXiv:1007.5341, July 2010.
P. Pantazopoulos, I. Stavrakakis, A. Passarella, M. Conti, "Efficient Social-aware Content Placement for Opportunistic Networks", The 7th International Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (IFIP/IEEE WONS), Feb. 3-5, 2010, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.